Looking for photodiode circuit (like the cheap ones on aliexpress)
Since I've started with MySensors, it almost seems like Christmas throughout the whole year. There are just to many leds on the Arduinos and the sensors. Since a lot of these sensors use an LM393 voltage comparator it should be easy to build those sensors myself. So I ordered a couple of them on alie, but should have looked for a circuit before I ordered them
For most of the LM393 based sensors I use, I found great circuits. But I'm still looking for a circuit with a photo diode circuit using the LM393. Just like these ones:
So much obliged, if someone can help me with a circuit for a sensor that has an adjustable sensitivity digital out. And a analog out. I'm still amazed by the fact that you can measure the light level with an LED. I'd never thought about that until I started looking for a circuit. I've tested different LEds, but so far it seems like the green and yellow LEDs are the most sensitive. So I might end up using them instead of an IR led. But until I found a decent circuit...
So far I've found this circuit:
But it has no adjustable sensitivity and no analog out. (But that last one should be simple, instead of going to the LM393 I should go directly to the Arduino through a resistor)