DS18B20 ans SHT31-D show up as combined sensors on Domoticz
Hello all,
I have built a node with total of 9 sensors.Two of them are DS18B20 (Temperature) and SHT31-D(Temperature and Humidity) from adafruit. In Domoticz they show up as combined sensors. DS18B20 is combined with the Humidity from SHT31-D and another sensor shows up with SHT31-D temperature and Humidity combined.
How can I make them show up as separate Temperature and Humidity sensors?
I want DS18B20, Temperature from SHT31-D and Humidity from SHT31-D all as separate sensors. I am presenting all of them as separate child sensors.I will really appreciate the help.
Thank You,
@palande.vaibhav - I dont know if this is possible. I asked this myself in Domoticz forum without a great reply.
Its Domoticz code so its better you ask this in www.domoticz.com/forum
Here is the thread that I found on MySensors forum. zampedro explains how that can be done but I don't know how to edit the files. I can't find them in the Domoticz installation on Windows. Also check my last reply to that post.
@palande.vaibhav This has been discussed many times in the domoticz forum and here. Combining sensors is considered a Domoticz featur but rather difficult to understand and hard to control. Recently a feature was introduced in Domoticz that gives this ability.
Bottom line is that the order in which the sensors are presented controls how these are combined.The enumeration like indicated below takes care of that..
So, make sure you present the sensors you want to combine after each other.
@palande.vaibhav - you need to download the sourcecode and compile it yourself.
Its not possible to find the files in the installation or iso-image. Everything has been compiled there already.Sourcecode is found on github and if you dont know how to compile it i suggest you read on the domoticz site, there is some instructions but if you are not familiar with the sourcecode its a big project.
Thanks for the information. So does this mean that if I don't want to combine any sensors then I should present them as 1,3,5,7. So just skipping one number between them?You said "So, make sure you present the sensors you want to combine after each other."
So why are sensors with child ID 0, 1, 2 not combined when their child ID's are in sequence and 3, 7, 255 are combined when their child ID's are not in sequence? I still don't understand this?Forgive me for my beginner ness
@sundberg84 The instructions you pointed to are for raspberry pi. Can you point me to some instructions on how to do it on Windows?
@palande.vaibhav - https://www.google.com/search?q=compile+domoticz+windows&ie=utf-8&oe=utf-8&gws_rd=cr&ei=0iAHWICvGIPQswGk0Z6QBQ
@palande.vaibhav I agree this is very annoying. I have several nodes with a Si7021 and a DS18B20, where the DS18B20 is located some distance from the node (for instance in a freezer or outdoor). This means that the humidity measured by the Si7021 might be vastly different from the humidity where the DS18B20 is located
I wonder if it would make sense to implement a NODEID_ALIAS (or NODEID_VIRTUAL) in MySensors, so a node could actually present itself as two (or more node ID's), so some sensors/children would belong to the main NODEID and other sensors could belong to another (virtual) NODEID - for the home automation system it would look like two different nodes- Jan
This is indeed very annoying.
I am going to try what @AWI has suggested. Presenting sensors in sequence and then spacing them apart when presenting to see what this new feature in Domoticz does.
Can you also try this? and report here? That would be really helpful.Thank You
@palande.vaibhav said:
I am going to try what @AWI has suggested. Presenting sensors in sequence and then spacing them apart when presenting to see what this new feature in Domoticz does.
Can you also try this? and report here? That would be really helpful.Yes, I'll test as soon as time permits and report back
@palande-vaibhav @chrille agree that it is not the most userfriendly feature and solution, at least there is a work around. To summarize (my understanding) of the feature:
- enumeration of the sensor is only increased if a sensor of the same type is presented.
- combination only takes place if supported (i.e. Temp/ Hum/ Baro)
- if you don't want sensors combined make sure to present them in the right order (takes a little puzzling
The iissue and discussion on the Domoticz git. There are some examples there also.
Thanks for the info. I will try to implement this today.At the end of discssion gizmocuz says that "this is already taken care of, see the forum thread about mysensors/grouping". But I checked Domoticz forum and couldn't find a thread named grouping in mysensors subforum.
Can you find it? Or its the same one as mentioned in the last comment from issue which takes us here ?
@palande.vaibhav said:
At the end of discssion gizmocuz says that "this is already taken care of, see the forum thread about mysensors/grouping". But I checked Domoticz forum and couldn't find a thread named grouping in mysensors subforum.
It does seem to work without any changes to the domoticz code. The following is from a node with DS18B20, Si7021 and TSL2561
Child 1+2 is the Si7021 and child 4 is the DS18B20. The enumeration goes from 1 to 2 as soon as a second V_TEMP is presented
To push it even further - here's a node with a Si7021 + 10x DS18B20
(MySensors 2.0.1 beta and Domoticz dev from yesterday)
This node also works fine with Domoticz and only shows the humidity for the first occurance of V_TEMP (which is the Si7021)
I think I also got it to work.
I have DS18B20 which is child 5, SHT31-D temperature is child 6 and Humidity is 7.
Here child 4, 5, 6 have the same number #4 but they are not grouped, they show up as separate sensors in Devices tab.
Now I understand why 6 and 7 are in a group but why is child 4 which is a LIGHT also combined with them?
@palande.vaibhav said:
why is child 4 which is a LIGHT also combined with them?
The numbering algorithm is not specific for the temp/hum/baro sensors but a generic implementation. So it is just a consequence of the implementation although it has no effect (at this moment)
@palande.vaibhav said:
I have DS18B20 which is child 5, SHT31-D temperature is child 6 and Humidity is 7.
Here child 4, 5, 6 have the same number #4 but they are not grouped, they show up as separate sensors in Devices tab.I think there's two issue
- Something is wrong with the presentation of child 5 (DS18B20) - it should have value V_TEMP - it's empty
- You need to change the SHT31 code to present temperature before humidiy - else the humidity of the SHT31 would be grouped with the temp from the DS18B20
I noticed it. Made the change and now it works. Thanx for your help.
Sorry for the dumb question. How do you achieved different #numbering in Values? I have all my Ds18b20 sensors with #1 number.
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