Hi @edoardoo
I actually stumbled on your post a couple of weeks ago! Great writeup!
We certainly need contributors. We need help with everything from the visualisation of sensordata in the frontend (considering using d3.js) to mqtt/node.js backend for receiving and processing sensor data.
Please contact me or Johan for further discussions.
@OldSurferDude use a host name for the broker in the configure command (--my-controller-url-address=). Add the host name to /etc/hosts on the rpi where the gateway is. Start the MySensors gatway.
When you want to switch brokers, modify /etc/hosts again and restart the MySensors gateway.
great idea for that translation from homie to mysensors and back.
but I think it would be a better approach, if mysensors would have the ability to "speak" homie-convention in MQTT optionally (e.g. #MY_GATEWAY_MQTT_HOMIE)
that would eliminate the need of tweaking on an extra binding and let mysensors talk an IOT-standard
I have a similar project: For my fathers boat, I want to use a Nextion as a central informations display. I will use a asr6501 as self containing gateway/controller, so maybe we can exchange experiences.
Hi @Prohi, can you provide more information about your heating system?
When searching about AirMax on the internet, I found this: https://www.airmaxhvac.com/ and this https://airmaxsc.com/ and this https://airmaxop.com/ and ...
Is your heating system an hvac based system?
With remote controls for each room?