I_DEBUG variable is sent via "set" command, instead of "internal" command
In the latest version, I noticed that when a node is sending out a
type payload, it's being sent out as set (1) command instead of internal (3) command. The type value is correctly set to "28" in both cases.Example:
// Debug msg container declaration MyMessage msgE1(255, I_DEBUG); // Send Debug payload send(msgE1.set("BME280 INIT SUCCESS"));
Expected message sent to gateway:
mygateway1-out/11/255/3/0/28 BME280 INIT SUCCESS
Actual message sent to gateway:
mygateway1-out/11/255/1/0/28 BME280 INIT SUCCESS
@gogopotato it looks like the message is sent with the type V_VAR5. I am not sure how to send internal messages manually, but the constructor used in your code expects a V_ type, not an I_ type.
Looking at https://github.com/mysensors/MySensors/blob/4380d6618fe818aaf0edc6373bdff400338257a8/MyConfig.h#L38 it seems like there are no "free-form" debug messages.
@mfalkvidd Makes sense. Is there another "free-form" message type I can use instead?
@gogopotato V_TEXT should work. https://www.mysensors.org/download/serial_api_20#set,-req
@mfalkvidd Great. Thanks for the help!