Gateway in Client Mode and 2 Controller?
can a Gateway in Client Mode connect to 2 Controller?
Nope, not possible.
Just checking if I have the same question, since I am not sure about "client mode".
Is it possible to controll the ethernet gateway with 2 vera's ?
At least for the internal messages like time and node_id assignment it would be impossible to have multiple gateways.What about bridging the two veras?
@ Fotofieber;
I have bridges both vera's. What I want is the other vera ( too far away for a z-wave device) to be able to switch on and off the main vera. ( in case it freezes).
I have now build a second ethernet controller , which is near the main vera. So I was just wondering if I could controll a node ( relais) via the ethernet gateway which is than on both vera's.
Well as far as I understand it you can use MQTT (and the MQTT gateway) with serveral controllers as long as they can understand MQTT.
As long as the veras don't try to be the main controller at the same time.