payload ACK

  • Hi.
    I just if there is discussion about ACK with payload ..
    If good understand then now .. node if send packet then receive ACK ok or false .. or ACK request from gateway to node..
    nRF24L01+ have function ACK with payload ..
    MySensors use this function too??

    .. every repeater predefined cycle contact gateway .. use ACK with payload .. and if node send packet to gateway then receive ACK .. 0= no ACK (no other device answer ) , 1= hardware ACK (standard .. repeater receive packet , but it's not guarantee that see gateway) 2=ACK I see gateway..

    you thinking about it ??


  • Admin

    The content of the hardware ack payload must be defined before the to-be-acked-message arrives. This makes the ack-payload feature of the NRF24L01 less valuable.

  • .. I know .. but I must explain this .. :
    I know .. receiver on first upload data for TX Fifo .. and listen .. if receive valid packet then send ack with data from TX fifo .

    but I mean this :
    repeater periodicaly contact gateway and udate some easy data .. for example date time , network structure , how many node are in network , if some registered node are visible or not , etc .. and if see gateway ..

    this is example :
    my node is not directly connected to gateway .. byt by two repeater .. all repeate every 10minutes ask for gateway just for easy ping only ACK , if receive ACK then know all information what I wrote.. but will know that see gateway .. and update ACK payload .. if my sensor node send data to gateway and don't want ACK .. then received hardware ACK and will know that last 10minutes repeater seen gateway ..
    yes it's not for 100% .. but wery efective .. to inform all other sensor node but not network load . only sensor node that really need to know 100% if gateway received packet use ACK for gateway..

    look I'm not tested .. but in fact ... if sensor send data trought repeater and repeater not see gateway .. still received hardware ACK ?? why ?? not efective contact repeater what don't see gateway..

    then i have this idea.. this will be very efective network..

    I thinks that serial gateway need RTC on I2C and some small ram .. and inform automaticaly network for this information..

    gateway will do more important work

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