Distance+Humidity, Vera Registration Issue
I have mashed code together to run a temp/humidity sensor as well as distance sensor off of the same Arduino. I have the unit functioning properly, where I am getting temp, distance and humidity readings off of the serial monitor.
I have included the device in my vera, and 3 devices are recognized.
- Temp
- Humidity
- "Arduino Node 1"
The first 2 are correct, and are reporting correctly. The last one should be distance, but it is not, and is not reporting correctly. Below is the code, as well as a snap of the vera interface. Any assistance would be appreciated!
I think the issue is in how I modified the void setup, adding two gw.sendSketchInfo? If I just add the native distance sensor code, vera reports the correct distance device. However, it still reports that "Arduino Node 1" device.
You are presenting two sensors as child number 0
gw.sendSensorPresentation(CHILD_ID_HUM, S_HUM);
Quick fix. Thanks so much for the quick response! Stupid mistake.
I've been doing the same stuff, creating multi-sensors, making mistakes like that are part of it.
I'll post some when I'm back.
Fun stuff.