My 2 new nodes : one hacked enclosure and one 3d printed

  • Hello

    I want to share my new projects with you. I've made 2 new mysensors nodes for my house.

    1 - Motion sensor on battery -with hacked enclosure.
    I've found on a local retailer a motion sensor with leds (2 $ cost) lol
    It was perfect to hold a mysensors node. so I just opened it replace original electronic with my own. (atmega 328p running at 8mhz, nrf24l01 and motion sensor). Now, some pics of the node

    The final node :
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    2 - The second node is a gateway for replace the one I actually have. I've designed a pcb to hold an arduino nano and the radio. (I've also added some sensors inputs to use the pcb for other things).

    The pcb
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    For this one I've designed and printed a little ABS enclosure with my prusa
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    At the end, for visual purpose I've applied a smoothing and polishing process with acetone

    The final node :
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    Hope you'll like the projects 😉

  • Hardware Contributor

    A really nice job, I love the gateway enclosure !
    If you have some reception problems, you might want to increase the size a little bit to get the radio antenna away from the pro mini, the best is to have the antenna outside the PCB area: nothing close below it, nothing on the sides.

    What PIR sensor did you use in the first node ?

  • Thanks for the compliment.
    About your questions : for this pcb I have "nothing" under the radio antenna (no copper trace) but I've not think about the arduino nano on the side ^^. But that's ok, the node is working great for my house (about 50 meters max)
    For the first node, I use a classic HC-SR501 from Ebay. It works like a charm 🙂

    Another pic of the 3d printed enclosure. it's 50x50mm (external dimensions)
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  • Acetone "steam" or just rubbing ? Or both ?

    Congrats, pure Apple design 🙂 looks gorgeous

  • Thanks for your compliment.
    It's only acetone steam (only cold steam because I dont like the idea to burn acetone).
    The treatment is very simple : 3 hours in a closed box with 2 kitchen sponges on wich I versed the acetone.

  • About the enclosure. We don't see very Well on the pics but I have extruded a mysensors text on the internal face of the top part. By doing this, the letters let the light of the arduino led pass through the plastic. It give a great effect

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  • @linkos that’s art mate! Very very nice

  • thanks 😊

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