Use the "ClearEepromConfig" sketch from the MySensors examples instead.
Use the "ClearEepromConfig" sketch from the MySensors examples instead.
You seem to have a sensor connected to your MYSController and not a gateway.
Maybe wrong serialport?
If i plug in another "old" radio that i have it works perfectly!
It has to be something wrong with the new ones.
I bought then from the store on the Mysensors page.
I recived 10 pcs of NRF24L01+ a few days ago but when i try them they only work on 1 or 2 MBPS.
When i run the Getting started sketch it tells me it's the + version.
Has anybody else had this problem?
You shouldn't use node 0.
The gateway is using adress 0.
I had a similar problem.
When the sensor node doesn't receive kWh from the gateway it "spams" the radio network with the kWh request. (Value 24)
In my case all of the other senors also lost communication.
If i set "boolean pcReceived = true;" it works.
@ToSa I have my gateway connected via the GPIO and i have followed the steps in the
I will try to use a USB-Rs232 cable and see what happens.
When i'm trying to run the NodeJsController.js script i always end up with "Error: Cannot open /dev/ttyAMA0"
I'm running a RPi with a serial gateway.
Any ideas?
I have a question about the Relay Actuator code.
In line 43 it says "digitalWrite(message.sensor-1+RELAY_1, message.getBool()?RELAY_ON:RELAY_OFF);"
The part "message.sensor-1+RELAY_1" doesn't seem to work for me, if i change it to "message.sensor" the digitalWrite works.
No, unfortunately i couldn't get it to work.
It was to complicated for me.
Ok thanks!
i'll give it a try and see if i can figure it out.
I have a battery powered sensor node with motion and temperature.
The sensor wakes up on interrupt from motion sensor but when there is no motion i would like it to wake up say every minute to send the temperature.
Can this be done with the sleep library?