@meanmrgreen See my post a few up, I'm seeing some weird effects when connecting to more than one plant..
Posts made by Stric
RE: Office plant monitoring
RE: Office plant monitoring
@mfalkvidd I'm going to do some tests with changing the sampling time and sleep time, but I'm not so hopeful since the effect is seen hours/days after an "unrelated" change.. I got stuck yesterday playing with ESPEasy, but I'll get back to debugging this..
RE: Office plant monitoring
I have an arduino pro mini, connected to 2-3 flowers using A0+A1, A2+A3, A4+A5.. unfortunately, I'm seeing some weird effects between the plants.. if I water one plant, another can change a bunch at the same time (or not, depending on stuff).. Also if I disconnect one flower, another flower can get way different values too..
I haven't figured out yet if I'm getting a capacitor effect in the flowers, sending back power through the output signals or what's happening..
Here I added water to the "green" flower, then the values for the gray one dropped. The gray one was physically untouched while watering.
Code is based on mfalkvidd, with all Ax being set to output=0 and then input+pullup for one while reading..
RE: Sensebender Micro as gateway on raspberry pi
Lower the speed from 115200 to 19200, 9600 or similar. The frequency of the arduino is not able to match 115200 baud exactly, so the arduino and rpi are mis-communicating.
From another thread; http://wormfood.net/avrbaudcalc.php?postclock=8&hidetables=1
Solved it for me.
Useful comment about DHT22 measurements, and test of various hygrometers..
At http://www.kandrsmith.org/RJS/Misc/hygrometers.html there is a lot of tests on various hygrometers, like dht22, si7021 etc.
A useful comment if you are measuring quite seldom can be found at;
namely, that upon "measurement" DHT22 actually returns the previous measurement from memory - then actually does a measurement and stores that in memory.
If you poll once per hour, you get one hour old data every time. Poll twice, or poll "often enough". -
RE: Office plant monitoring
That i2c thing is painted and works because it's capacitive (it can even sense when your finger is hovering a millimeter or two away from it, like a capacitive touch screen (your phone)). I put one of them into the soil yesterday. If I remember, I will get back regarding results.. I placed it into the same flower as a resistive fork, with the middle chip (so I have some corrosion). -
RE: Video How To - Monitor your Refrigerator
When I arrived at work today and started checking mails, I had received a bunch of them saying that the temperature in the fridge was too high, so I had to drive home and close the door. I would have gotten a notification earlier through jabber if the server software we use for jabber wasn't acting up :(.
MySensors stuff was not involved in that particular sensor (esic sensor + tellstick + perl + perl), but the need to monitor this stuff was definitely there. -
RE: Regulations on using home-made electronics?
.. and you can be prosecuted for putting others in danger etc.
RE: Temperature / humidity node with OLED display
@MikeF Maybe an idea about turning on the display.. how about adding a PIR, and turn on the display if movement is detected..? My guess is that it'll lower the power consumption, and still show info when someone is nearby.
RE: Mini Pro with high Baudrate
What are you using the high baudrate with? Due to clock frequencies etc, the pro mini can't even generate (actually, read) 115200 baud correctly..
Without further info, it looks like a case of "Doctor, it hurts when I do this" "Well, don't do that then.."
RE: We are mostly using fake nRF24L01+'s, but worse fakes are emerging.
@Sparkman I asked them what to do about the situation, and they said "we'll send 10 new". Should arrive soon..
RE: We are mostly using fake nRF24L01+'s, but worse fakes are emerging.
@NeverDie Yes, I've tried various things. The modules from gc_supermarket were crap. I ordered 10, so it's not an "oops, you got a bad one".
In the ebay shop, the module PCB had markings. The ones I got had none.
RE: Which are the *best* NRF24L01+ modules?
Using a non-scientific method; looking at the angle of battery discharge graphs over a week, I've noticed that the modules I got from ITEAD are draining batteries at about half the rate compared to an unknown (but probably fake) pretty good module.
ITEAD module; slightly under 1% per day
"other modules"; about 2% per day
This is when measuring and transmitting DHT21 data every minute. -
RE: Battery life of sensors.
@m26872 .. which is default for most. My battery used to cut off slightly over (readVcc-measured) 2.7V, now they're down to 2.6 after changing BOD level to 1.8 instead. Requires external programmer like USBtinyISP or so.
RE: Which are the *best* NRF24L01+ modules?
I bought some modules from gc_supermarket which had "antenna symbol" on one side and pinout markings, marked "GOOD QUALITY". Reality was all thrown into a single antistat bag, no markings at all and crap transmissions. I confronted them (after ebay feedback timeout had passed), and they replied "We may send you another 10pcs" two weeks ago. Waiting to receive them.
I got a batch from ITEAD, with good packaging (individual box+antistat+foam) and the two I've tested so far are surely the best I've had. I can place sensors in my car on the driveway, signal getting into the house (passing through large parts of the engine, metal sheets, thick house walls, inner walls, ...).
RE: We are mostly using fake nRF24L01+'s, but worse fakes are emerging.
I'm trying to get gc_supermarket to refund me or send working ones.. the nrf's I got from them, marked "GOOD QUALITY" has a range of a few meters in open space. Cap adds another meter or so.
I've ordered nrf's from itead too, hopefully good ones. -
RE: st=fail on reboot
Was the node awake and listening? st=fail means transmission to that node failed (no "ok" back).
If it's battery powered, it's probably sleeping with radio off.
One trick seen in another thread; after the node has sent data to the gateway, listen for like 200ms for any incoming packets. In the controller; keep the reboot packet on hold until you hear from the node - then quickly send it. -
RE: 5v on 3.3 pro mini?
The raw connector can handle about 3.3-12v (or 5-12v for a 5v arduino), so 5V should be fine. If you have a wall plug that should give "12V", it might give a whole lot more under low loads (such as a measly arduino) - I've burnt more than one regulator with that.
Ok, so the following stuff isn't 100% correct anymore I guess.. (it's not Protocol.. and I've wondered for a while why each sensor is reporting the same library version as the rest and the node itself..)
I'm not using this one, but rather a perl controller inspired by this.. Work In Progress..
RE: Library Version report, gateway vs sensors
ok, so it's a merge of version + sensor-vs-repeater into one msg..
RE: Getting weird replies from serial gw, trying to send acks through random non-existing nodes.
Yup. I could do that.. memtest86+, arduino edition..
RE: Library Version report, gateway vs sensors
How is it more messages to send with "node;0;3;0;2;version" than "node;255;0;0;17;version" ? Or am I missing something..? Was the old method that the sensor said "hi!", gw says "what version?" and sensor said "v1.xx" vs the new "hi, v1.xx" ?
V_DESCRIPTION or somesuch, so the nodes can present what each sensor is.. like "DHT Humidity" "DHT temperature" "DS18x20 temperature" "Distance to garage door" "Garage door locked" ... Right now I'm using VAR5.. but..
Library Version report, gateway vs sensors
For the Gateway, MyGateway.cpp has a check for INTERNAL message with I_VERSION, that is 0;0;3;0;2; to which it responds with same + the define LIBRARY_VERSION (1.4.1 for example).
For Sensors, http://www.mysensors.org/download/serial_api_14 says that INTERNAL+I_VERSION is "Sensors report their library version at startup using this message type". This isn't true, they send nodeid;255;0;0;17;libraryversion (or 18 if it's a repeater)... There's no code for replying to this request either.
This is coming from MySensors::begin;
How much will we break if they start sending the same as documentation+gateway? On the other hand, various other things are reported under the NODE_SENSOR_ID (255) "sensor".. -
RE: Getting weird replies from serial gw, trying to send acks through random non-existing nodes.
Still no crap results, probably eeprom gone bad. Shouldn't have gone bad this fast, unless something is rewriting the eeprom all the time..?
RE: Getting weird replies from serial gw, trying to send acks through random non-existing nodes.
20150607 isn't over yet, but statistics from the last couple of days and so-far of today (20150607, arduino got replaced at 00:00 today):
20150603 sendfail $VAR1 = { '0-0-1-4' => 57, '0-0-225-251' => 13, '0-0-251-20' => 271, '0-0-251-251' => 188, '0-0-251-7' => 487, '0-0-30-30' => 5, '0-0-4-4' => 1205, '0-0-7-7' => 537 }; 20150604 sendfail $VAR1 = { '0-0-1-4' => 1267, '0-0-1-7' => 598, '0-0-160-251' => 1, '0-0-160-255' => 6, '0-0-2-255' => 1, '0-0-225-251' => 268, '0-0-255-255' => 2, '0-0-30-30' => 4, '0-0-39-20' => 102, '0-0-40-20' => 79, '0-0-41-20' => 91, '0-0-50-20' => 2, '0-0-53-255' => 1, '0-0-55-20' => 1, '0-0-64-251' => 16, '0-0-66-251' => 2, '0-0-96-251' => 4 }; 20150605 sendfail $VAR1 = { '0-0-1-4' => 1247, '0-0-1-7' => 879, '0-0-117-251' => 2, '0-0-160-251' => 1, '0-0-225-251' => 268, '0-0-251-20' => 1, '0-0-251-251' => 33, '0-0-30-30' => 129, '0-0-39-20' => 112, '0-0-4-4' => 11, '0-0-40-20' => 77, '0-0-41-20' => 95, '0-0-64-251' => 12, '0-0-66-251' => 1, '0-0-7-7' => 14, '0-0-96-251' => 2 }; 20150606 sendfail $VAR1 = { '0-0-1-4' => 1267, '0-0-1-7' => 1206, '0-0-117-251' => 1, '0-0-225-251' => 291, '0-0-30-30' => 51, '0-0-39-20' => 245, '0-0-40-20' => 53, '0-0-41-20' => 133, '0-0-64-251' => 23, '0-0-66-251' => 1, '0-0-96-251' => 2, '0-0-97-251' => 2 }; 20150607 sendfail $VAR1 = { '0-0-251-7' => 1, '0-0-4-4' => 20, '0-0-7-7' => 477 };
0, 4, 7, 8, 20, 21, 30, 251 are valid node id's around here during this time period.
Either it was eeprom/arduino replacement that fixed this, or just that it got rebooted (as well as replaced).. If it shows up again, I'll just try rebooting the gw and see what happens. -
RE: Getting weird replies from serial gw, trying to send acks through random non-existing nodes.
0 weird replies since replacement of gateway, 8.5 hours in.
RE: Getting weird replies from serial gw, trying to send acks through random non-existing nodes.
Replaced it at 00:00 with same code, let's see what new statistics say after a good nights sleep
I haven't looked at the code around there, but it wouldn't be that hard to dump out the routing table - right?
Getting weird replies from serial gw, trying to send acks through random non-existing nodes.
I currently have a serial gw connected to an rpi2, then using a custom controller. Recently, I've been getting some weird stuff from it.. For example:I have a router node at id 251, that sends "Hi!" every 30 minutes or so - just to show that it's alive..
0;0;3;0;9;read: 251-251-0 s=251,c=1,t=25,pt=0,l=3:Hi!
0;0;3;0;9;send: 0-0-225-251 s=251,c=1,t=25,pt=0,l=3,st=fail:Hi!If I'm interpreting this right, I got a message from 251, originating from 251, final destination 0 (the gw) with "Hi!", and then it wanted to send the ack from 0, via 225 to final destination 251. This failed, since I don't have and have never had a node 225.
Just today, I've had these failed replies (tuple, count):
'0-0-1-4' => 1215,
'0-0-1-7' => 1168,
'0-0-117-251' => 1,
'0-0-225-251' => 248,
'0-0-30-30' => 51,
'0-0-39-20' => 233,
'0-0-40-20' => 53,
'0-0-41-20' => 127,
'0-0-64-251' => 22,
'0-0-66-251' => 1,
'0-0-96-251' => 2,
'0-0-97-251' => 2Unfortunately, the nodes I have up and running is 4, 7, 8, 20, 21, 30 and the router at 251. I have not received any message from any rougue/neighbor nodes (like 41, 66, 96 etc), out of the more than half a million messages I have statistics for.
Corrupted routing table? Thinking about writing something to dump the routing table to the controller..
RE: How to verify that ethernet gateway is working without sensors
Connect to it and send:
it should respond with something like:
(that is: "What's your version?" "1.4.1")
RE: Sensebender Micro
@HenkeP Got an avi, RsomethingsomethingHK I believe.. The box said "10 printed circuit boards", which is a funny way of saying "3 printed circuit boards + some stuff".
RE: Sensebender Micro
Umeå/Täfteå to be specific.. Neighborhood next to your brother..
Trouble with 115200 baud on 3.3V/8MHz Arduino, like Serial Gateway. Solution: Change baudrate.
Please read http://forum.arduino.cc/index.php?topic=54623.0 which basically says that the 3.3v arduino can't read stuff at 115200 baud correctly, things get corrupted due to being unable to get the correct timings. In our tests, semicolon (;) gets corrupted quite often. Unfortunately, the semicolon is "quite useful" in the serial protocol of the Gateway.
Symptoms: Gateway not responding to version checks, gateway not being able to pass on auto-allocated ID's etc.
Solution: Either change clock to 12MHz (hardware mod + software + blah), or just go slower.. 19200 baud seems to work fine for us. Change baud rate in MySensors.h and recompile your serial gateway. Easy-peasy.
RE: Newbie Problem! Get Started with NRF24L01+
if (msg.sender != 0); serial(PSTR("%d;%d;%d;%d;%d;%s\n"),msg.sender, msg.sensor, mGetCommand(msg), mGetAck(msg), msg.type, msg.getString(convBuf));
Note the ; after the 0) which should not belong there..
RE: Ethernet/Serial Gateway on 3.3V?
I use a 3.3V promini as serial gw (with an 'socat' hack to ethernet enable it on an rpi.. one day I'll add the w5100..), and it works fine. I think I've had it hang for unknown reasons 2 times in a bunch of months.
RE: Arduino Pro Mini adapter card and nice box from "biltema"
Same card, different box (slightly too small). I cut the LED after taking the picture..