Hi all,
As you requested, if someone want to check the board, i have adapted it for LINOVO 2 gangs 1 way EU format.
You can find the files her https://github.com/tonnerre33/Linovo_EU_2Gang_1way/tree/develop/
Hi all,
As you requested, if someone want to check the board, i have adapted it for LINOVO 2 gangs 1 way EU format.
You can find the files her https://github.com/tonnerre33/Linovo_EU_2Gang_1way/tree/develop/
Did you check the SOFT_HMAC_KEY in your gateway with the skecth SecurityPersonalizer.ino ?
He must be the same at the HMAC node.
I desoldered it for increase the battery life I did the same for the regulator.
You can find more informations here : https://www.mysensors.org/build/battery
Thx for your interest
I have just posted the pictures of the v1.1 version. Have fun.
A fast extraction without traitment if that can help
Ok try to remove the jumper between V+ and AREF
@scalz Ok, so i will connect the ant pin and change the config
Thank you for your help Scalz
It's ok, i haven't seen the fuse in the primary of the hilink
with this fuse, the protection is guaranteed, then you don't need termofuse in this project
thanx for answer how you made your choice and i hope the release will arrive soon
It seems to me that this function is only in the developed branch with the parameter
More information at https://github.com/mysensors/MySensors/search?utf8=✓&q=MY_TRANSPORT_WAIT_READY_MS&type=Code
@tlustoch You need to enable MY_OTA_FIRMWARE_FEATURE only if you use DualOptiBoot.
With MYSBootloader, you don't need
I use MYSBootloader 1.3 pre-release with mysensors 2.0. You can find it here : https://forum.mysensors.org/topic/3453/mysbootloader-1-3-pre-release-myscontroller-1-0-0beta
And yes it usable with 8 MHZ internal clock config if you burn the bootloader with 8Mhz internal clock setting.
@mar.conte said in Sleep dont run:
Hi, you need to change the SLEEP_TIME value .
For example :
SLEEP_TIME = 10000 //Time in milliseconds
@giovaFr said in Battery Powered Sensors:
A0maxV = VbattMax * (R1 / (R1+R2)
Are you sure about that ? I think is A0maxV = VbattMax * (R2 / (R1+R2)
R2 = 150k Ohms for 8.4V with R1 always at 1M Ohms
Will you build an nrf24l01 smd version ?
@gohan said in Battery Powered Sensors:
Hello, i didn't know why you add 4 measures (batarray) and you divide by 3 the sum .
Thanks you
But i don't understand the difference between your 3 boost projects can you explain to me ?
@Justas Hello,
yes you have to buy parts and assemble them yourself. 1.5$ by PCB is cheap, you can't have the components for this price
@HouseIOT said in 4-channel switcher/dimmer:
It is just my first project and it has some weaknesses
It's a very good project for your first. I hope see many another projects from you
@mtiutiu Thanks you for your anwser
Did you test a two way switch (va et viens) ?
I think we can do this with 1 gang 2 way :
Awesome work dude !! And you did the pcb on eagle, you are my hero
That's will help me for develop EU version
Thx a lot
@Nca78 @Samuel235
Thanks you for your arguments, both of you.
You're right, if the atmega was broken, the best way is to stop use this node because some components could be broken too.
This feature can permit to use the command when a problem with the radio or the controler appear.
But with MY_TRANSPORT_WAIT_READY_MS , maybe we don't need this feature anymore ?
You convainced me to undo this feature and minimise the components mostly if Livolo will make many updates.
@mtiutiu said in Livolo 2 channels 1 way EU switch(VL-C700X-1_Ver_C2):
Good work dude !
For information, i think receive in the next 2 weeks, the pcb that i made for training.
If you can wait, i'll can check the mecanical part before your pcb order.
As you want
I have finished this project
I haven't tested the last version for a long time but the previous version are always working fine.
If you have any request, tell me and if someone can make a beautifull enclosure, that's will be awesome.
I haven't yet a 3D printer but i hope i'll have it one day .