Air particulate / dust sensor node

  • I'm sharing my latest project which is a air particulate sensor based on the PMS7003 module.

    I designed a custom PCB to break out all the connectors as well as a 3D printed enclosure.

    The node uses a 5v pro mini as well as the common 1602 LCD. A LE33 is used to regulate down to 3v3 for the NRF24.

    My latest board that hasn't been built up yet also includes an I2C breakout for temp / humidity / barometric pressure.

    The PMS7003 module is physically a bit of a pain as the intake / exhaust ports are on the same side as the connector. The case had to be designed with channels to manage the air and out whilst keeping clearances for the wire connectors.

    I've mounted mine next to my 3D printer to see what the 3D printed does to the air quality inside the house.

    Happy to share the PCB, code and the 3D model if there's any interest.

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  • Hardware Contributor

    @simbo said in Air particulate / dust sensor node:

    The PMS7003 module is physically a bit of a pain as the intake / exhaust ports are on the same side as the connector

    If you are making a PCB you should take that opportunity to put a female header (1.27mm spacing) on it and plug the PMS7003 directly on the PCB: no adapter, no cable needed.

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