Damm I am trying to get this working with a Arduino pro mini ,,but no luck wanted to use it in the car ..
How do you wire the NRF24L01+ ???
N-Channel Mosfet s ??? model number please any help much appreciated
I have tried mosfets >>>irf510n
@Samuel235 said:
Just one of many ideas, the possibilties are endless. I'de always go for RGB leds over just white, allows for more customisation while able to still give you the same white as the white leds.
... unless, as in my use case, colors are not needed.
I'm too stingy to pay for the unused dry powder!
@Yveaux Thanks for your response. I guess that's it. I have to burn a bootloader first :-). I have a USBasp Programmer for that. Can you point me to a wiring diagram that shows how to connect the programmer to the circuit board?