"0" Temp and Pressure readings from BMP280
Please assist if possible,
I am using an Arduino UNO as well as a ESP8266 card with a BMP280 installed
I am using the following sketch to try to get familiar with this operation
SparkFun_BME280/I2C_ReadAllData.ino at master · mhaack/SparkFun_BME280 (github.com)
On the serial port I am getting a "0" reading for Temp C and "0" Pa which possibly accounts for an extremely high Altitude reading.
From my untrained eye, this looks like a calibration issue but I am probably wrong. Possibly a coding issue.
I cannot see what the issue is.
Hi @Merlotmaker,
If you want more reactions from members, you should provide more information.
- what for sensor do you have, because you are speaking about BMP280 and BME280
- the lib you are referring to is a specific one for the https://www.sparkfun.com/products/13676
- how did you connect your sensor to the UNO?
- did you follow this guide already? https://learn.sparkfun.com/tutorials/sparkfun-bme280-breakout-hookup-guide