Send timer program to pool filter controller

  • Hi all,

    I want to replace the simple timer controller of the pool with an arduino based using a real time clock and communicating with home assistant using mysensors/mqtt.

    Right now I am able to control the filter relay with the arduino/mysensors like a simple switch. However I want to send a timer program, a list of times to turn on/off the filter per day, and then the arduino will work in autonomous mode.
    How can I perform such a communication with mysensors?

    thanks in advance

  • @Vasilis-Vlachoudis well, normally, I would realize this by a timer in HA and just sending the ON and OFF commands to the switch.
    Alternatively, you could use a custom variable and use a format like this in your message: +0800-1000+1400-1900. On your arduino, you need to write an interpreter for this format and see if your output matches the requirement of the current time frame.
    If you want to controll it from the Arduino, be sure to often request time from the controller. I already got some cheep Arduino Nanos from Ali with a 1% clock accuracy... This may not sound like much but in worst case, this is a quarter of an hour per day!
    Regards, Edi

  • Thank you @eiten for you suggestion. I will try it.
    I wanted to be independent from HA, just as a fail safe in case of problems.
    I am not relying on the time keeping of the arduino, but on a real time clock module.

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