Forum Upgraded
Hi, since the update marking everything as "Read" does not work for me any more on iOS 8.2, no problems with a desktop browser. "Does not work" means there is just no reaction.
On which page?
Are you logged in in IOS?
It happens on the "Unread" page, sorry I could have said that in the first place.
Works fine on Android.
Only me that experience multiple desktop notifications when someone replies to a topic? (Chrome)
@hek Hum. I don't see it. Assuming you refer to Push Bullet, I only get one on desktop (and one on phone of course).
Ok, thanks. Might be that I have two forum-tabs open then.
Yes I am logged in. Notifications work OK for me, too.
I believe Chrome was recently updated to offer its builtin notification system for sites. So it could be that you do get double notifications if you use pushbullet and has a forum tab open.
You can manage the Chrome notification settings per-site if you like (to disable it for in case you use pushbullet):
@hek Just cosmetics..overlap of logo with first icon...
@hek Chrome (41.0.2272.89 m) Windows 8.1
Same chrome version as I've got (but mac). Strange that it would render differently on Windows. Could it be a cache issue?
Looks good on Ubuntu Chrome version 40.0.2214.115 (64-bit)
Update: And equally good on 41.0.2272.89 (64-bit).
@hek Cleared the cache and tried on chrome android 4.1. same thing (only hover). Does not occur in Explorer..
Weird. Just tried my Android (5.0) and it looks good there also. Just wish I could reproduce.
Seems ok here, with Chrome Version 41.0.2272.89, @win8.1 64bit
I am seeing the same as AWI, same version of Chrome on Windows 7. Not that noticable until you hover over the grid icon:
Ok, guess I'll have to do some css-tweaking tonight. I'll ping you guys to test.
Is there anything I can do to help debug the "Mark unread" on iOS issue?
It seems that if the forum is run in "narrow" mode (don't know how to explain it) forum overview button is covering the logo,
in the lower right corner there appears a icon when hovering the mouse
When that is clicked, the site switches between full browser width, and "narrow" mode, in full width forum overview button doesn't cover the logo:
Ahh.. thanks! I can reproduce this now. Much easier to fix.
Ok, logo is fixed. The unread count in Safari is a bit harder to fix. It is probably a bug in the theme used.
It seems to be fixed in bleeding edge version of the forum 0.7.x. i'm running it on our stage environment for evaluation (
But living on the edge means that other things might become unstable and plugins we're using could fail. I don't dare to upgrade just yet.
Yes, the "mark unread" problem (and the unread count, I hadn't even noticed this) seems to be fixed in the stage environment, I can confirm that.
Since up the upgrade I'm no longer able to post using Safari browser on my Mac. I'm posting this via Firefox.
I can fill in the posting.. but when I click "submit" it fades out but never clears and doesn't submit the post.
Hmm.. yep, I can see that now. Damn. Doesn't seem to fill out in forum category in the form.
This also works on the stage environment.
Can't find any updates that might fix the safari problems. Only option seems to be jumping to
I will investigate a few things before doing it tonight. Only problem is that backing (without losing new content) is hard as it probably upgrades the database content in the process.
Ok, wish me luck. Forum could be a bit jumpy during upgrade to 0.7.
@hek All for my issue.. I'm touched!
good luck!
Ok, we're running 0.7!
Only plugin that failed was "topic-badges". It allows you to add things [solved] in the title of a topic resulting in a nice badge with the text.
It is sparsely used here. I will try to get it running as soon as I have a working update on it.
Seems not too broken on chrome/Android. Pushbullet also picked up your post.
Yep, will do the regular register-a-user test round.
Everything looks back to normal to me (Safari on OSX 10.10).
Everything looking fine here, too.
We seem to be missing the "Troubleshooting" Topic from the "Home" dashboard page.
@GuyP Seeing the same thing
I am seeing the Admin Area.
Edit seeing troubleshooting now. and Admin Area is gone now.
For the Record attempting to go into Admin Area gave me a not allowed message.
Yup it's back now! Thanks @hek
Something is not quite "right" with the category permissions. Random behaviour
@hek I just lost the development Forum. and the layout for the categories keeps jumping around.
Yep, working on it. Settings in does not seem to "take".
I've lost my username phil83 - password resetting does not work, it always says invalid reset code. Had to create this new one to post here.
Can you try logging in again with your old user? I sent you a password reset email.
@hek I entered a new password, after submitting it still says invalid reset code.
I'll take this via email with you.
@hek Thanks a lot for helping. There also seems to be an issue with uploading pictures, they only show up as a link.
I'm on it.
The pictures end up on server but linking becomes corrupt.
Uploads working again.
Created a new button in composer to help people insert code into their posts.
@hek. Nice! A side benefit of the upgrade seems to a noticeable performance improvement.
@hek great, this will certainly improve readability on the forum, thanks
The user "badges" has disappeared since upgrade. The will be back when the root cause has been found.
Ok, badges has to be activated by the user himself/herself by going into settings and activate it here:
Hacked the badges back.
@hek I no longer seem to be getting the daily email digests. I now get emails when replies are made to topics I'm subscribed to though, which is cool. I double checked my settings and everything appears to be correct:
Just to be sure I changed to daily and saved again but that didn't seem to help. This isn't super urgent or anything but I just wanted to let you know.
Thanks pete. Will take it with the nodebb team.
Has anyone tested posting codebender sketches since the update? It used to read the link and just show the sketch and it does not appear to be working.
NM it works it just doesn't show in the preview anymore.
This a test posting
Ok, this morning (europe) the forum server was massively overloaded.
Tried restarting it but that resulted in a flood of requests from the 300 open browsers trying to reconnect their websockets. The current server just couldn't handle it.
So I upgraded the droplet to a new plan doubling the amount of RAM and cores. I hope this will keep us above the surface for some time.
Forum has been updated and theme has been changed.
For some reason I had to do a browser cache cleanup to get page rendering ok again. report any bugs you've seen here. Found one myself when trying to search users but it is way after bedtime here so I'll have to deal with it tomorrow.
Forum updated again!
4 months is a long time for a relatively long update cycle for a new forum software under development.
Please report any bugs here or send me an email.
The forum works on windows phone again
@hek seems 'snappier' on Android!