Question about Vera Lite and MySensors

  • Contest Winner

    This is probably not the question for this forum. But I thought I'd give it go. I recently started with domotica because I need to redo my guest room. For that I want to use Led strips and because I don't want to control them with a remote control, I googled a bit for Z-wave support and found out about Domoticz. Because I wanted to be able to design my own sensors I googled for the support of custom sensors and I stumbled upon MySensors.
    For me, MySensors is a dream come true. Having tried to build my own Arduino network protocol I found out that it's too time consuming for me. So I ordered a Fibaro RGB controller, a Razberry and installed Domoticz. I had some old Nano's laying around and a couple of nfr24l01 (not the nfr24l01+).
    I hooked up MySensors to Domoticz and I'm very happy with MySensors.
    I do Like Domoticz but it's a lot of work to customize it. Besides the MySensor support doesn't seem to be as great as the Vera support.
    So I'm thinking about buying a Vera Light. My question is, can I trigger http requests just as I can do in Domoticz? Because I need that to control my Pi Musicbox.

    Thanx in advance and keep up the good work. I'll be showing some of my MySensors projects soon on this forum. They're not going to be technical Advanced, because as a hobby woodworker I like to focus more on the looks, than on the technology.

  • Contest Winner

    @TheoL said:

    My question is, can I trigger http requests just as I can do in Domoticz?

    The short answer is "yes."

    the longer answer is that you will need to get familiar with Lua programming language (C-like) and the proprietary Luup extension which vera uses. Easy enough to do and there is help here and on the Vera forum.

  • Contest Winner

    Thank you verry much for this fast answer. I'm seriously doubting to move over to Vera. Anyone who has a negative advice for that?

  • Hardware Contributor

    I do. I recently gave up my Vera Lite after a year trying out. The support is great, but compexity, robustness and factory reset ability is not. I think a proper Vera 3 could be much better. And the flexibilty to customize could be acheived easy enough with other controllers. After a year with Vera Lite I've learned that what I want is a more simple, robust and proven controller.

  • Hero Member

    @m26872 Fortunately my experience with VeraLite is quite different from yours. I've been using it for a few years with a variety of z-wave sensors and most recently with a mysenors Ethernet gateway and multiple sensor nodes. Never had an issue with the VeraLite. Did have some initial problems setting up the gateway but they weren't Vera problems. Gateway and sensors have been going steady without any intervention from me since end of May this year. Even with an intervening power outage, Vera, the gateway and associated sensors all came back up without and issue.

  • Hero Member

    I have to agree with @Dan-S hare. I'm happy with how my Veralite has treated me also. As long as I'm not installing to many plugins it is working really reliably.

    Veralite UI5:

    Arduino GW plugin (with about 15 child devices), EventWatcher, Info Viewer, Netatmo (11 child devices), RFXtrx Controller (30 child devices), VeraAlerts, PLC, PLEG (4 instances), Day or Night (2 instances), Virtual Switch (3 instances), Simple Alarm, Google Calendar 3.

    on top of this I have 31 z-wave devices with multiple children.

    Anyhow, my Veralite is at the edge of running out of memory so in order to expand my system I will need to find something else.

  • Hardware Contributor

    I agree and think it is very much a matter of how you use it. It should however always be possible to do a "real" factory reset where all system files are totally deleted and then reloaded with help from a separate bios or rom. Cloud dependent or not.
    I've had issues with both my Z-wave and MySensors network and other plugins.

    I noticed that you don't use the datamine plug in, which is one of things that I was suspicious to. E.g. setting up a the log to NAS feature required the "wget" command which I've read could be unreliable with Vera. And also a too large data series couldn't be handled by datamine/memory with frequent crashes as result.

  • @TheoL This is my two cents I have vera3and veralite with serial and Ethernet gw I have used a datamine on veralite .
    Almost all issues are from the user inputs being wrong.

    There was a nasty crash once with veralite , through remote assistance Micsaverdre was able to repair to good again.
    Also there are the My Sensors serial port issues with lost power and no remote resets.

  • Contest Winner

    Thank you everyone for your replies. I'm currently using Domoticz with Razberry. And that works okay. But when I define scene's and activate them, it takes sometimes a couple of seconds for each swicth to go off or on accordingly to the scene. I read on this forum that most Vera users are happy with it. So I was thinking that I might switch over to Vera. But if I'm not mistaken I should go for a more expensive model?

    I'm also very curious if I can hook up OpenHAB to Vera. Because OpenHAB has some features which I also like ;).

  • @TheoL said:

    Thank you everyone for your replies. I'm currently using Domoticz with Razberry. And that works okay. But when I define scene's and activate them, it takes sometimes a couple of seconds for each switch to go off or on accordingly to the scene. I read on this forum that most Vera users are happy with it. So I was thinking that I might switch over to Vera. But if I'm not mistaken I should go for a more expensive model?

    I'm also very curious if I can hook up OpenHAB to Vera. Because OpenHAB has some features which I also like ;).

    I have been a Vera user , all flavors , for more than 8 years now, I have tried Ui1.5.x.x and UI7.x.x ,I have tried the Vera Edge with approx 40 sensors and modules and using PLEG for controlling most all aspects of the Home automation. I found the Vera Edge could not handle all the Automation, tech support worked with me for 3 weeks to try to get the Edge to cooperate . I finally sent it back to where I bought the Unit. I changed over to my Veralite and my Vera3 and split the work up between the 2 controllers. I run Mysensor Ethernet Gateway on both of my controllers, 1 gateway for 2 Veras.
    I have Zwave motion sensors,Zwave modules, Zwave dimmer modules, Zwave Honeywell Thermostat and Temperature and Humid sensors that are Zwave. I have Mysensor door/window sensor built with Attiny 85, so much cheaper to build than using
    Nano or Pro-Mini I also have Scene controllers built with pro-Mini that control ceiling fans remotely, bedroom lights remotely, Entertainment Centers remotely. You get the Idea. Now nothing is perfect I have had my glitches but for FREE their is no other controller I will use , unless someone comes up with one as reliable and cost effect as MCV. This is my 2 cents worth.

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