help . power supply and add motion sensor to vera controller

  • hi my friend
    I'm glad, because I am in your midst.
    I build a motion sensor according to description.
    now I have just two questions . thank you for answer me.

    1. power supply for my arduino nano . how much volt ? how with adaptor or battery ? in other word how connected power supply to arduino ? which pins ?
    2. how add this device to vera controller ? there is a Button RST in arduino nano and there is not any switch for add to vera !! how this device will be add to vera ?
      thank you.

  • Contest Winner

    I can only tell you how I deal with question 1.

    I hook a 5V cell phone charger to the arduino. I connect the ground of the adapter to the ground of the arduino. The +5V from the adapter needs to be connected to the raw or Vin pin of the Arduino. It depends on how the pin is labeled. Some arduino use raw for the labels others use VIn.

    I always power the motion sensor directly from the +5V of the adapter, not from the vcc of the arduino. This is the easiest way without using extra power regulators.

  • @Reza

    Hi, for question 2, you can go to this url on this website, everything is explained thee.

    You only have to startup your device two times, after initiate a start in the Vera Mysensors plugin.

    For question 2; you can use a usb to telephone charger for it too..

  • @TheoL said:

    I always power the motion sensor directly from the +5V of the adapter, not from the vcc of the arduino. This is the easiest way without using extra power regulators.

    thank you my dear friend for help me . arduino nano have 2 pins for ground and one pin used for sensor and one pin used for radio . so the ground of adaptor connect to which pin ? there are not any other pin for ground . I should connect the ground of adaptor to one of two pins ( split ) ?
    and if I want use battery ,how many can I use 1.5V battery ? 4*1.5=6V ! can I use 6V for arduino ? not problem ?
    very thank you for help me .

  • @DannyM
    thank you my dear friend for help me . I don't see this web page . I study this and if I have any question , I ask you and thank you for answer me my friend .

  • @Reza
    The nano will not last very long on battery. Use pro mini for battery sensors.

    From ->

    The Arduino Nano can be powered via the Mini-B USB connection, 6-20V unregulated external power supply (pin 30 or VIN), or 5V regulated external power supply (pin 27 or 5V). If you use the 5V pin for power input, it must be 5V regulated power.

    You do not need separate ground pins for every component, splice them together and connect to ground.

    Have you already built a gateway and connected it to Vera?

  • @Dwalt
    hi my dear friend , please came on chat with me

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