Only works connected to USB

  • I have built a parking senors based on the excellent project presented on this site. I'm feeding my Arduino Micro with 12 V. From the same source feed the LEDs through a LM7805 to get 5V for the LEDS. When connected to USB all works well. Removing the USB, and only running on my 12V source, the LEDS starts to behave erradic. Its like the distance sesor is sending false values causing the LEDs to light up. Connecting the USB and it all works like a charm.

    I have measured all the voltages:
    Arduino: 12V from power source to RAW,
    Arduino: GND from power source to GND (next to RAW pin)
    Distance sensor: 5V from Arduino VCC
    Distance sensor: GND from Arduino GND (pin next to pin 2)
    LEDs: 5V from LM7805 to LEDS
    LEDs: GND from power source GND

    Any suggestions on whats wrong or how to proceed?

  • Plugin Developer

    Maybe handy to post a schematic of your wiring.

  • After moving the 5V feed to the distance sensor from the Arduino VCC, to the 5V output from the LM7805 it seems like it works OK.

    Any suggestion on a program to make schematics?

  • Plugin Developer

    In my opinion this would be fritzing

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