Gateway an Node. Problems with the Installation

  • Hi, sorry my bad english, i´m german.
    I´ve a problem with my little project. I want to install a ESP8266Gateway ( ArduinoNano ) connected with a NRF24L01. I loaded the ESP8266Gateway Scatch on the Arduino and the Serial Monitor shows an IP, that i can ping from PC. The Next line shows: 0;0;3;0;0.... Gateway started. -> I think this is now working or not?

    Next Step: I installed an Node. I tried to connect an DistanceSensor on the next Arduino. And Also i wired up an NRF24L01 to the Nano.
    With the Arduino IDE i loaded up the NodeScatch for the DistanceSensor. - and the Serial consoles showes only: "find parent"
    now it happens not more..... I checked all wires... loaded up the code a few times. always the same.
    so please help. why does the gateway no receive data from the node?
    I thing, i have Problems with the very easyest thing of this technique.... 😕

    Please anyone there who can help me? Maybe troubleshooting tips? maybe only one parameter i dont set? I´m really new in playing with MySensors.....


  • Plugin Developer



    "Gateway started...." means the gateway is OK and waiting for connections.

    The node reports "find parent" which means it tries to find the shortest route to the gateway. Since it doesn't get beyond that, this indicates there's a problem with the radio comm.

    You can try:
    Bring gateway and node physically close to each other.
    Check wires on both sides, gateway and node.
    Add capacitor(s) to radio ~4.7 uF, both sides.
    Some suggest adding two caps on the gateway side.
    Change powersource.
    Change radio.

    Have you read the build page for the radio on the mysensors site?

  • @martinhjelmare
    thanks a lot for your answer.
    Yes i wired up the Node an the Gateway like the description here in the is shown.
    So that means the gateway is OK. Great.
    close to each other? means the wires? i took 20cm cables. The same like shown in the description here. And The Distance between
    GW und Node are about 30 -50 cm ( at my table )
    the only thing i didn´t do: I had NO capacitor. maybe its the problem. ( The Power cames via USB from PC ) over 3v3 Arduino Nano to the Radio.
    I did not believe in the great impact without Capacitor.

    thanks. I will try this at evening 🙂

  • Mod

    I did not believe in the great impact without Capacitor.

    Almost no-one does...until they have problems 😄

  • Hardware Contributor

    The cap can make a hugh different with the NRF radio.
    Also I notised yesterday that if I had my gw (with external antenna) and a node to close to each other - they were less reliable than if i had some distance between them.

  • no chance.... isn´t working 😕 caps are installed now. other radios are in use now.
    the node writes:
    0;0;3;0;9;gateway started, id=0, parent=0, distance=0

    and the child writes:

    find parent

    nothing more happens

  • Hardware Contributor

    Hi stefan!

    "find parent" = still radio issues then.
    Try to move your node and gw so they are a bit longer from eachother.

    Do you caps on the gw as well?
    Did you recieve any node id? It would be great with full log from sensor.

  • @sundberg84
    there is no more log than: find parent
    the serial writes no more.

    i soldered caps on both. node and sensor

    is it possible to chance the wireless lan channel? maybe colissions with the my home lan(wirelesslan )
    i tried out 50cm to 20m.... the same

  • Mod

    The sensor should repeat "find parent" until it gets a response. So there seems to be a problem with the sensor anyway.

    Has the Arduino been used for something else before? Sometimes clearing the eeprom helps.

    The radio channel can be changed in MyConfig.h but it shouldn't be a problem unless your wifi is extremely busy.

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