NRF24L01+ mini VS normal size module ?
Did anybody find any differences between the normal size module and the mini one ?
The mini is much smaller and can be better in some cases.
No there are not really differences. But i wouldn't trust the blob one, you found, but instead this:
@Oitzu Yeah right. I have been reading through different posts and some have already reported that blob ones could be fake. Thanks.
@Yveaux better get away from them
@ahmedadelhosni If you have some spare time, very interesting readings:
I have already read some of the posts today
That's why I knew the blob issue.
So is this supplier which is on the store trusted
@ahmedadelhosni said:
is this supplier which is on the store trusted
Not a clue. According to Nordic, only official distributors can be trusted, but they'll charge you $20 + for a single module...
No wonder we all buy our stuff from China.
@Yveaux oh my GOD !! $20+ !
I searched on digikey and the highest price was 6~7 dollars and I thought this is expensive.
So I thought it is original have a link to official distributors as I couldn't find on nordic website ?
I also found it on sparkfun. 20$ ! According to you, this is original and the one from digikey is high copy for exmaple
@ahmedadelhosni said:
So I thought it is original
Interesting find. Didn't know Digikey was reselling Seeed studio units!
Beware that this Seeed module is an amplified version, with regular antenna. That's quite a unique speciesWhen visiting the Nordis Semi website on the bottom right you can search the nearest distributor. For me e.g. Mouser is reported, which sells these modules at E 35,21 a piece!
I can buy roughly 50 boards from China, for the same price.I cannot tell if the ones from Digikey are genuine, or from Spartkfun; even Nordic has to put them through X-Ray to be absolutely sure.
No wonder they are no longer in stock according to digikeyThanks for the links. Actually I have searched earlier for the NRF in mouser but couldn't recognize it as there was no picture in the search result + I didn't imagine it will be 38$
Thanks for your help.
mouser also sells seedstudio nrf24's (the amplified version).
if you want to buy the (genuine) chip only, it costs 1.56 at quantities of 4000.. (mouser prices).
@tbowmo Will it work Ok if I get a clone board but replaced the chip with the genuine one ?
I mean does the genuine pcb differs also ?
@ahmedadelhosni yes it will (I did it myself) as long as you don't buy the blob ones
@Yveaux Great. That's really amazaing
Sorry for lots of questions. But did you monitor any great differences between both chips ? or is it life time ? or what ?
@ahmedadelhosni I still have to discover a clear difference between clones and genuine chips. Power consumption seems different, but not clearly... That's what one of the discussions is about: how can we tell the difference.
Nordic might know, but until now they didn't want to share with us.
@Yveaux Yes I have checked the nordic website regarding the power consumption and they are nearly the same in deep sleep.
Anyway, thanks a lot for the discussion