My slim 2aa battery node tools
I like to keep my slim 2aa nodes small and don't solder a header.
To connect the FTDI adapter I made a construction with pogo pins
this can easily be attached with pincers to the slim node.I will post some picture of a similar construction to program the @GertSanders very narrow node without removing the atmega from it's socket.
@AWI said:
I will post some picture of a similar construction to program the @GertSanders very narrow node without removing the atmega from it's socket.
@AWI Are these the ones you are talking about?
Pogo-pins doing their job nicely – 00:09
— My 2µFIt would nice to have it on @GertSanders narrow node as taking the chip out to reprogram on the breadboard is not ideal. Though I do have a programmer (, which comes on top of my Arduino.
@alexsh1 Those are the ones. Pogo pins come in a number of variations.
For (ftdi) programming @GertSanders very narrow and minimal switch node without removing the atmega I made a small board with pogo pins.
The processor needs to be connected on reset, tx, rx, vcc and gnd for FTDI programming. so only need those connections (pin 1,2,3,7,8)
soldering them neatly in the right position with the help of a few boards.
I used this type of the pogo pin (looks a little agressive) but there are many variations. It depends on how you want to contact.
the connection to ftdi header and a few components to have the circuit reset from the dtr pin. (10k resistor to Vcc and 100nF capacitor to dtr).
and that is the first victim board attached. I need at least one hand to press it against the pins therefore not really happy with the design.
@AWI clearly the board has not been designed for the FTDI connection
@AWI : may you post the schematic diagram of your reset circuit ?
I got so many connection issue with my FTDI. I of course check internet but nothing is working correctly.Thanks !
@AWI no surprise. It's what I've done except for the capacitor on AREF pin but I'm pretty sure there is no link.
Thanks.Perhaps a problem due to my Mac. I don't know how I can check the connection and isolate the problem.
@carlierd you can try with a standard pro mini to get it working...
@AWI already done without problem ! I think I got problem with ATMEGA in DIP format ...
I'm pretty sure that a Mac and the DIP version of the atmega328 like each other. I have only used the DIP version and I also work on a Mac.
@GertSanders I tried today and now I can download sketch correctly. One strange thing is that I have to open the serial monitor to have the arduino working after the download ...
In // I think I have a problem with a bad RFM69 ...
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