Sending memory use to controller
I was wondering if anyone has tried to send memory use (sram) of a sensor to domoticz.
In some cases I find it useful to know how much working sram or eeprom is still available for the sensor. Next to the battery level and pcb temperature (for AC based nodes) this is interesting info to keep an eye out for imminent failure.
It perhaps fits best in the work @tekka is doing in the new I_DISCOVER_RESPONSE message.
@hek @GertSanders Yes, good point. I'll add it, you can see the current status of the I_DISCOVER PR here. Still WIP...
looks promising
I would like to control the sending of this information just like sending sensor data. A "memory" sensor if you will. On Domoticz (or controller) side this needs to be possible. But I beleive this is already the case for Domoticz as I have logging of the cpu use and memory/storage use of the motherboard on which Domoticz runs (a Raspberry Pi 2 in my case).I will do some digging in Rob's code to find the datatypes used.