PIR won't revert to not activated.

  • Has anyone experienced any issues with PIR's in the latest beta. I upgraded earlier this week to the latest beta and now my PIR sensor i built for the garage activates ok but then does not seem to revert to a non activated state even though it's not receiving any notifications to say it's been tripped. I've included a sample of my log output, even though the last trip of the sensor was at 10:02:09.905 in Domoticz it still shows as activated. Is this just something wierd with my setup?

    2016-05-06 09:26:43.680 (Motherboard) Lighting 2 (Security Sensor Garage Door)
    2016-05-06 09:26:43.775 (Motherboard) Lighting 2 (Security Sensor Garage Door)
    2016-05-06 09:26:43.872 (Motherboard) Lighting 2 (Security Sensor Garage Door)
    2016-05-06 09:26:43.968 (Motherboard) Lighting 2 (Security Sensor Garage Door)
    2016-05-06 09:26:44.063 (Motherboard) Lighting 2 (Security Sensor Garage Door)
    2016-05-06 09:26:44.159 (Motherboard) Lighting 2 (Security Sensor Garage Door)
    2016-05-06 09:26:44.259 (Motherboard) Lighting 2 (Security Sensor Garage Door)
    2016-05-06 09:26:44.358 (Motherboard) Lighting 2 (Security Sensor Garage Door)
    2016-05-06 09:26:44.454 (Motherboard) Lighting 2 (Security Sensor Garage Door)
    2016-05-06 09:26:44.552 (Motherboard) Lighting 2 (Security Sensor Garage Door)
    2016-05-06 09:27:25.322 (Motherboard) Temp + Humidity (Garage Outside Temp/Humidity)
    2016-05-06 09:28:25.375 (Motherboard) General/Voltage (Garage Battery Voltage)
    2016-05-06 09:31:25.329 (Motherboard) Temp + Humidity (Garage Outside Temp/Humidity)
    2016-05-06 09:33:25.331 (Motherboard) Temp + Humidity (Garage Outside Temp/Humidity)
    2016-05-06 09:37:25.338 (Motherboard) Temp + Humidity (Garage Outside Temp/Humidity)
    2016-05-06 09:39:25.342 (Motherboard) Temp + Humidity (Garage Outside Temp/Humidity)
    2016-05-06 09:41:25.345 (Motherboard) Temp + Humidity (Garage Outside Temp/Humidity)
    2016-05-06 09:41:25.422 (Motherboard) Temp + Humidity (Garage Outside Temp/Humidity)
    2016-05-06 09:43:25.349 (Motherboard) Temp + Humidity (Garage Outside Temp/Humidity)
    2016-05-06 09:45:25.352 (Motherboard) Temp + Humidity (Garage Outside Temp/Humidity)
    2016-05-06 09:45:25.431 (Motherboard) Temp + Humidity (Garage Outside Temp/Humidity)
    2016-05-06 09:48:25.408 (Motherboard) General/Voltage (Garage Battery Voltage)
    2016-05-06 09:49:25.359 (Motherboard) Temp + Humidity (Garage Outside Temp/Humidity)
    2016-05-06 09:51:25.362 (Motherboard) Temp + Humidity (Garage Outside Temp/Humidity)
    2016-05-06 09:53:25.365 (Motherboard) Temp + Humidity (Garage Outside Temp/Humidity)
    2016-05-06 09:57:25.372 (Motherboard) Temp + Humidity (Garage Outside Temp/Humidity)
    2016-05-06 09:58:01.601 Schedule item started! Name: Sittingroom-lamp1, Type: On Time, DevID: 9, Time: 2016-05-06 09:58:01
    2016-05-06 09:58:01.604 (Dimmer_Device) Lighting 1 (Sittingroom-lamp1)
    2016-05-06 09:58:01.943 Executing script: /home/pi/domoticz/scripts/energenie-s1-off.sh
    2016-05-06 10:00:01.692 Starting automatic database backup procedure...
    2016-05-06 10:00:26.820 Ending automatic database backup procedure...
    2016-05-06 10:01:25.379 (Motherboard) Temp + Humidity (Garage Outside Temp/Humidity)
    2016-05-06 10:02:09.801 User: Admin initiated a switch command
    2016-05-06 10:02:09.905 (Motherboard) Lighting 2 (Security Sensor Garage Door)
    2016-05-06 10:03:25.435 (Motherboard) General/Voltage (Garage Battery Voltage)
    2016-05-06 10:07:25.389 (Motherboard) Temp + Humidity (Garage Outside Temp/Humidity)
    2016-05-06 10:07:25.473 (Motherboard) Temp + Humidity (Garage Outside Temp/Humidity)
    2016-05-06 10:09:25.393 (Motherboard) Temp + Humidity (Garage Outside Temp/Humidity)
    2016-05-06 10:09:25.479 (Motherboard) Temp + Humidity (Garage Outside Temp/Humidity)
    2016-05-06 10:13:25.453 (Motherboard) General/Voltage (Garage Battery Voltage)
    2016-05-06 10:17:25.405 (Motherboard) Temp + Humidity (Garage Outside Temp/Humidity)

  • Contest Winner

    @chickey not sure what the problem is. But if Domoticz receives a trip value, than it should display it correctly. But the GUI of Domoticz as not real time. What happens if you add a notification to the PIR sensor in Domoticz? Do you receive them when the state of the pir sensor changes?

  • Hi i got spammed again but this time the alerts never stopped. I forgot to mention that when i was testing on the device and had it in the house i had the serial port hooked up and i put in some extra comments so that when it was sending the sensor status it was only doing it when it was tripped but the wierd thing was domoticz was still showing tripped but the sensor wasn't sending anything if that makes sense.

  • Contest Winner

    @chickey I'd check the wiring again. I've had a lot of problems with PIR sensors. They're really sensitive. Every little change in the voltage can reset them, causing them to report a motion.

    Are you sure this worked before you changed the software?

  • Yeah was working great and was good for a day or so. I wonder if i've shorted the sensor or similar somehow. Shall have to bring it in doors till i can troubleshoot it. Think i'll have to look at OTA programming as once you get them in enclosures such as this it's a pain lol Thanks for the feedback. I've ordered some more PIR senors too so if i can't get to the bottom of it with the one i have i can always try another.

  • @TheoL I tested everything again tonight and did some troubleshooting using the default motion sketch which worked. What i ascertained is that my sketch was setting the motion sensor active but then never sending a signal to say that the sensor was no longer active. I'll be honest that i couldn't see the default sketch doing this either(unless it does this via an interrupt when it goes from active to inactive) but i modified my program so that it now sends a notification that the sensor is no longer tripped which solved that issue. I also put a 10 second delay in as the lowest setting i could set on the sensor was 5 seconds or so which meant my sketch spammed domoticz that it was tripped. With the delay it sends a message to domoticz once now, waits 10 seconds and then sends that it's no longer tripped. With this I've been able to enable the domoticz control so that it will turn the relevant light on for 1 min at %75 if motion is detected.

    The only issue i've ran into is if i've already got the light set to say %20 which i like to do after sunset then when the light gets enabled for 1 min domoticz doesn't seen to turn it off.

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