Philips LivingColors MySensor node

  • I had a Philips LivingColors Generation 1 light lying around at home and by chance and I stumbled upon Ivo Knutsel's instructions on how to control the LivingColors using an Arduino here :

    LivingColor gen 1 photo

    So I thought that this will be a good start for me to mess with the MySensors !
    I tested some controllers and I decided to go for the Domoticz controller with a MySensors Ethernet Gateway.
    Domoticz works just fine with my MySensors, it also works with my Philips Hue lamps, it allows me to display a drawing of my apartment and is open source; perfect !

    After some fiddling around and building other small MySensors (relays, LED-strip controllers, replacing our alarm system, etc) I finally came up with the following solution to control my LivingColors lamp.
    Below s the information on what I came up with to control a LivingColors lamp using a MySensor node :

    • First : All credits goes to Ivo Knutsel for all his hard work ! Please have a look at his webpage because it contains all the details on how the connection and detection of the lamp works.

    • Second : This only works for a Philips LivingColors Generation 1 lamp.

    To make it easier to connect the CC2500 antenna to the Arduino I decided for a Arduino Pro Mini 3.3V. This avoids one of the 74LVC125A-circuits (which for me was a nightmare to solder !).

    The schematic :

    And the components mounted on a small board :


    • NRF24L01+
    • Arduino Pro Mini 3.3V
    • CS2500
    • 74LVC125A
    • 47ยตF capacitor
    • 10 ยตF capacitor
    • 100nF capacitor
    • LD33V voltage regulator

    Finally the sketch :

      MTLivingColors --- Link a gen 1 Philips LivingColors lamp with MySensors.
        Author : Mathias Thorell.
      This would never have been possible without the efforts of the following people :
       Ivo Knutsel   : The investigations, schematic and source code to interact with the Living Light :
       Henrik Ekblad : Founder of MySensors :
       darkoman      : Class for fading from one RGB to another RGB color :
       johnwasser    : The Fire effect :
       Google        : For everything else...
       2016-02-27 First working version.
       2016-02-28 Tested to adda DHT221 sensor, just for fun. Removed.
       2016-02-29 Added fading. First realese candidate.
       2016-03-01 Added Fire- and Aurora effects.
       2016-03-08 Added Water-effect (requested by my daughter Angelina).
       2016-08-05 Cleaned up and removed all non-LivingColors stuff.
       2016-08-23 Removed effects to keep theis example as clean as possible.
     Note : Make sure to undef the SOFTSPI-constant in MyConfig.h, otherwise the two radios on the SPI bus 
            will not cooperate at all.
     Known issues :
            Lamp flickers while fading.
     ToDo : Fix flickering while fading.
            Add possibility to find lamp address/id. Perhaps use an I/O-pin to enter learning mode ?
            Enable handling of more than only one lamp.
            Test: Should we become a S_RGBW instead of a S_RGB lamp ?
            Shall we or shall we not handle the V_PERCENT message ?
            Store Lamp Id in program memory ?
    #include <MyConfig.h>
    #include <MyHw.h>
    #include <MyHwATMega328.h>
    #include <MyMessage.h>
    #include <MyParser.h>
    #include <MyParserSerial.h>
    #include <MySensor.h>
    #include <MySigning.h>
    #include <MySigningNone.h>
    #include <MyTransport.h>
    #include <MyTransportNRF24.h>
    #include <Version.h>
    #include <DigitalIO.h>
    #include <DigitalPin.h>
    #include <I2cConstants.h>
    #include <PinIO.h>
    #include <SoftI2cMaster.h>
    #include <SoftSPI.h>
    #include <CC2500.h>
    #include <ColourConversion.h>
    #include <LivingColors.h>
    #include <SPI.h>
    // NRF24 pins for MySensors :
    #define RF24_CE_PIN       9 // Default value
    #define RF24_CS_PIN       6 // Default is 10, but we must use 6 since 10 is used by the CC2500
    // CC2250 pins (sharing MISO, MOSI and SCK with the NRF24)
    #define lcMOSI   11    // SPI master data out pin
    #define lcMISO   12    // SPI master data in pin
    #define lcSCK    13    // SPI clock pin
    #define lcCS     10    // SPI slave select pin 10
    #define node       1 // Assigning the node Id (this will be the address for controller)
    #define TheLampNum 1 // Sensor number needed in the custom devices set up
    #define StateOff    0
    #define StateOn     1
    // Helper class :
    class RGBColor
        int FRed,
        RGBColor (int Red,int Green,int Blue) :
        RGBColor(void) { FRed = 0; FGreen = 0; FBlue = 0; }
        RGBColor(const RGBColor &From) { FRed = From.Red(); FGreen = From.Green(); FBlue = From.Blue(); }
        void Set(int red,int green,int blue)  { FRed = red; FGreen = green; FBlue = blue; }
        void Set(RGBColor From) { FRed = From.Red(); FGreen = From.Green(); FBlue = From.Blue(); }
        int Red()   const { return (FRed);   }
        int Green() const { return (FGreen); }
        int Blue()  const { return (FBlue);  }
    // Class to fade from one RGB set to another RGB set
    class Fader
        LivingColors *FLivCol;
        // Thanks to darkoman
        /* Construct the fader for the pins to manipulate.
         * Make sure these are pins that support Pulse
         * width modulation (PWM), these are the digital pins
         * denoted with a tilde(~) common are ~3, ~5, ~6, ~9, ~10 
         * and ~11 but check this on your type of arduino. 
        Fader(LivingColors *livCol)
          FLivCol = livCol;
        // Fade from in to out
        void fade(const   RGBColor &in,
                  const   RGBColor &out,
                  unsigned n_steps = 256,  //default take 256 steps
                  unsigned timeMS  = 2)   //wait 10 ms per step
          // Based on work by Darkoman;
          double percent;
          int red,green,blue;
          for (int i = 0;i < 100;i++)
            percent = 1.0 - ((double)i / (double)100);
            red   = (int)((double)in.Red()   * percent) + (int)(out.Red()   * (1.0 - percent));
            green = (int)((double)in.Green() * percent) + (int)(out.Green() * (1.0 - percent));
            blue  = (int)((double)in.Blue()  * percent) + (int)(out.Blue()  * (1.0 - percent));
            red   = red   < 0 ? 0 : red;
            green = green < 0 ? 0 : green;
            blue  = blue  < 0 ? 0 : blue;
            red   = red   > 255 ? 255 : red;
            green = green > 255 ? 255 : green;
            blue  = blue  > 255 ? 255 : blue;
            // Write the new color output :
    // NRF24
    MyTransportNRF24 transport(RF24_CE_PIN,RF24_CS_PIN,RF24_PA_LEVEL_GW);
    // Hardware profile 
    MyHwATMega328 hw;
    // Main sensor class :
    MySensor su;
    // Main control class to handle LivingColors :
    LivingColors livcol(lcCS,lcSCK,lcMOSI,lcMISO);
    RGBColor CurrentRGB,LastRGB;
    MyMessage livMsg(TheLampNum,V_RGB);
    // Lamp address(es) :
    // This is the address of my Living Colors lamp.
    // To find your unique id see reference to sketch below at the call to livcol.addLamp().
    unsigned char lamp1[9] = { 0x00, 0xC7, 0x87, 0x66, 0xB7, 0x1A, 0xFF, 0x8A, 0x11 }; // Lamp address
    // Last known state; On (1) or Off (0)
    int LastState;
    // Instance of our fader class :
    Fader TheFader(&livcol);
    void setup()
      // setup serial port
      // Initialize library and add callback for incoming messages
      // Send the sketch version information to the gateway and Controller
      su.sendSketchInfo("RGB Node","1.1");
      // Register the sensor to gw
      // Load last known states of our lamp :
      LastState = su.loadState(0); // Last lamp state 
      // Initialize or lamp :
      livcol.addLamp(lamp1); // Add our lamp. Lamp address/id must be taken from Ivo's original sketch from here :
      if (LastState)
        // Turn on lamp is it was on before :
        // Turn off lamp is it was off before :
    void loop()
      // Do the MySensors dance :
    // Parse MySensors messages :
    void DoIncomingMessage(const MyMessage &message)
      if (message.type == V_LIGHT)
         if (message.getBool())
    Serial.println("Lamp On");
           if (LastState == StateOff)
             RGBColor fromRGB(0,0,0);
             RGBColor toRGB(LastRGB);
           LastState = su.loadState(0);
    Serial.println("Lamp Off");
           if (LastState >= StateOn)
             RGBColor fromRGB(LastRGB);
             RGBColor toRGB(0,0,0);
           LastState = StateOff;
         // Store state in eeprom
      else if (message.type == V_RGB)
        // starting to process the hex code
        String hexstring = message.getString(); // Here goes the hex color code coming from controller through MySensors (ex: FF9A00)
        long   number = (long) strtol(&hexstring[0],NULL,16);
        CurrentRGB.Set((number >> 16) & 0xFF,(number >> 8) & 0xFF,number & 0xFF);
        // Write some debug info
    Serial.print("Red is " );
    Serial.print("Green is " );
    Serial.print("Blue is " );
        LastState = StateOn;
      else if (message.type == V_PERCENTAGE)
        //Todo/missing: We need to consider this dimmer value when setting RGB's.
        String percstring = message.getString(); // 0-100 %
        long   number = (long) strtol(&percstring[0],NULL,10);
    Serial.print("Dim value=");
        double dRed   = (double)CurrentRGB.Red()   * ((double)number / 100.0);    
        double dGreen = (double)CurrentRGB.Green() * ((double)number / 100.0);    
        double dBlue  = (double)CurrentRGB.Blue()  * ((double)number / 100.0);    
        // Nope, tested and we don't need this. Taken care of via RGB ?
        // livcol.turnLampOnRGB(0,(int)dRed,(int)dGreen,(int)dBlue);
    Serial.print("Unknown MsgType=");

    (This sketch is the bare minimum to control the LivingColors lamp.
    I do possess a more complete sketch which includes some nice light effects too.)

    Questions and suggestions are welcome !

    Enjoy !

  • Contest Winner

  • Neat !
    Never saw that post coming up when googling around ๐Ÿ™‚

    Cheers !

  • Hello,

    I know this is an old topic but i'm very interrested by this controller !

    However i want to know if the 74lvc125A must be used ?

    I have all the other components so if it's possible to don't use it, it will be perfect !

    Thank's to all !

  • Mod

    @jonathan-pucel the post above states :

    To make it easier to connect the CC2500 antenna to the Arduino I decided for a Arduino Pro Mini 3.3V. This avoids one of the 74LVC125A-circuits

    So I guess the actual wiring is different from the schematic. As all is powered by 3.3v I assume the 74LVC125A is not required indeed.

  • @yveaux said in Philips LivingColors MySensor node:

    @jonathan-pucel the post above states :

    To make it easier to connect the CC2500 antenna to the Arduino I decided for a Arduino Pro Mini 3.3V. This avoids one of the 74LVC125A-circuits

    So I guess the actual wiring is different from the schematic. As all is powered by 3.3v I assume the 74LVC125A is not required indeed.

    Hi Yveau,

    Thank's for the answer but I think you're wrong. Tias has been inspired by Ivo Knutsel's instructions and in his instructions the circuit have 2 74LVC125A.

  • @jonathan-pucel said in Philips LivingColors MySensor node:


    Hi !

    One 74LVC125A is needed so the MISO-lines on the two antennas (NRF24L01 and CS2500) can be tri-stated. Otherwise they will collide and you will just get garbage on MISO (D12) on the Arduino and most probably fry one or both of the radio circuits too.

    Cheers !

  • @tias said in Philips LivingColors MySensor node:


    Thanks for the reply Tias ! I'm completely noob in electronic ! Another (stupid) question, for the 3.3v regulator, is the 100nf capacitor can be replaced by a 220nf capacitor without consequence ?

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