PCB Boards for MySensors
I'm working on a new site to keep track of open hardware projects. Will contain things like versions handling, fork a project function, BOM and hopefully a online viewer for the gerber the files.
Nothing online for quite some time but the url will be: http://openhardware.io
@hek Nice. I like it.
Looks pro. Are you planning to abandon the original community?
Would be a pity
Abandom? No way. This is a complement to MySensors for keeping track of open hardware projects.
Really looking forward to this site. Anything we can do to help it along (for those who don't really program), maybe a little financial help??
It's progressing.. Social login finalized and design of most parts. Hope to get some more time during x-mas vaccation to get gerber to svg functionality in place together with github integration...
I would like to have some kind of "donate-to-hardware-creator" functionality... anyone here who knows paypal apis and in-and-out? (maybe i'll just contact them directly for the options available).
Not keen on soldering SMD, I designed my own PCB.
The PCB has a flexible design (use jumpers):
- use with battery
- use with 5 volt (and LE33 for NRF24L01+)
- use with voltage stabilazitaion to 3.3V (LE33) for ATMEGA328P and NRF24l01+
I am programming it with an ISP.
Use a 8 MHz setup: select Lilypad/328p in the Arduino IDE and first burn the bootloader.
Then I set fuses with mit usbtinyisp to not reset the eeprom with the upload of a sketch (no new node id)
./avrdude -C /Applications/Arduino.app/Contents/Java/hardware/tools/avr/etc/avrdude.conf -c usbtiny -p m328p -U hfuse:w:0xD2:m
an enable low voltage usage with battery:
./avrdude -C /Applications/Arduino.app/Contents/Java/hardware/tools/avr/etc/avrdude.conf -c usbtiny -p m328p -U efuse:w:0x07:m
@meanpenugin first post probably needs a slight update on available boards
And ongoing projects..
Are thses PCB board available as stock board?
Only the sensebender is available as official board (described in the thread "Minimal design thoughts")
Some of the other boards are supplied with manufacturing details, so you can order your own pcb's and populate the boards yourself.
May you want to add my Boards?
XAmbi mini kid pro (tested with NRF24L01+ & mysensors)
http://forum.mysensors.org/topic/1593/xambi-kid-mini-pro-prototype/6XAmbi kid mainboard (RFM12B)
https://github.com/xpix/XAmbi/tree/master/Xambi_kids/xambikid_mainboardXAmbi kid sensorboard
I am trying to find a new sensor board design and I came across this one on OSH Park. Only thing is I don't who's board design or what documentation goes with it. Anyone have any ideas which one it is? Could it be Mean Penguin version?
This is a board that I designed. I didnt think anyone would actually stumble on it.
I'm not sure about any mean penguins, but here is some extra documentation.
https://docs.google.com/document/d/1WtImjSbQPctq8rUAT6k1CyUgJHuo2WDs6bO2HfEr8NI/edit?usp=sharingLet me know if you want more info. I have built 3 sensors with these boards with no issues.
@Cory Thanks for the docs - I was looking at your board as well because it's the closest thing to what I think I need and the extra docs help a lot. What software did you use to do the design? I'm thinking about using your design as a baseline with some small changes like:
- slightly larger board with corner holes for easier mounting
- support for the ATSHA204 message signing chip
I've never done a PCB design before but it looks like a fun project...
Thanks for the reply Cory. I like the design only thing is I have a hard time soldering SMT components. I might order them and tough it out anyways. I appreciate the documentation as it helps a lot. Do you have the schematic too?
I did the design in Eagle after watching some youtube videos. OSHPark has a design rules file and can accept the eagle file type without exporting.
This board was my very first (second rev to fix some issues). Here is a link to the files if you want to modify it.
Personally I think it would be better to start from scratch in order to get the learning.My goal was to get the board as small as possible (to reduce cost). I have a smaller one with the radio inside the arduino footprint, but I haven't tested it or shared it yet.
@Cory Great I'll check it out. Do you power any with 3v battery? If so how long does it last? Thanks again.
any PCB available for fan control using dimmer with rotarry switch?
I just know only circuit diagram. but I don't try that.
@Cory What size SMD components are used for the caps and resistors?
Just ordered 9 boards to test with and ordered a lot of SMD components but then realised they do them in different sizes, SMD is very new to me. Most of what i've ordered are 603.
Great looking boards from OSH Park, seem great quality.
Below you will find a link to a board I made and now use with the MySensors library and EasyIOT.
This is a version with the small nRF24L01+. I'm now working on a version using the longer board version (with SMA antenna).
@GertSanders I've now used three of these boards with Domoticz (running on a Synology NAS). Next test is running Domoticz on Raspberry Pi 2 with these sensors.
Nice design!I think I will purchase this one instead of my design next time I need some mysensor nodes...
FYI for anyone looking to get PCB's made, here is a price comparison site that shows you various manufacturers and what they'll charge you for different sized boards. Prices are crazy cheap these days...
@hek Since the OP has not been online the past 5 months, is it possible for someone else to take over editing this post of PCB's for MySensors ? I think you were making a site to collect open source hardware, is that a possible avenue to publish design compatible with MySensors ?
Yes, the idea was to have a openhardware.io as a place for publishing open hardware accompanying the mysensors site/forum.
The emryo is still on my computer but I got stuck trying to visualize gerbers in 3d and doing SSO integration with the mysensors forum. Then some other projects came in the way... and summer.
I've picked up the gerber viewer ideas again last week.. This time I will probably do it as a NodeBB forum plugin to get integration more seamless with the community. Where you can drop gerber files directly in post or link them from your github repository.
I would also need some new mechanism and/or layout to make the open hardware- and sensor projects easier to find here on the forum.Would've been nice to do a couple of weeks fulltime on this project to get there quickly.. But still have to take care of my dayjob
Meanwhile I suggest you post your project in a separate thread and reply here with a link until I sort things out in my mind and plugins.
Feel free to add my board as well:
Visualising 3d gerbers is available on other sites. Why repeat the effort ? Access to the gerbers or board files would be sufficient, if accompanied by some explanation or wiki about what you can do with the provided files.
As a designer I do not mind making some documentation, but storing it in an accessible location would be nice.
Github comes to mind. Links to github and recommendations on a minimum set of documents (and "proven" compatibility with the MySensor library) would be totally acceptable for me, but I would like some guidelines.
Here is my version of a compact board for inclusion in the list. This board is equipped with two connectors for NRF24 (so you can choose the orientation of the radio) and uses the MySensors libs. Works in five rooms in my house now.
Eagle files are added:
selfcontained low power node v1.sch
selfcontained low power node v1.brd
Schematic in PDF format:
selfcontained low power node v1.pdf
A panelised version (could be cleaner but works):
selfcontained low power node v1 panelised.brdLinks to manufacturers:
https://oshpark.com/shared_projects/unP8BmuI (single boards)
http://dirtypcbs.com/view.php?share=11770&accesskey=5f9f38337641290cf017475f1b91ff81 (panelised version)My version of Optiboot for this board assumes the flashing LED is connected to pin 8 (as is on my board):
And here are my settings for the board.txt file:
possible upload speeds: 9600, 14400, 19200, 28800, 38400, 57600, or 115200
for 8MHz we keep this slower to avoid transmission errors.
First settings are for use without a crystal, internal oscillator at 8MHz and Brown Out Detection switched off (to save batteries even more).
Second settings are for use with an external 8MHz crystal (better stability of frequency) and Brown Out Detection switched off (to save batteries even more).
###############atmega328pO4M8i.name=atmega328p Optiboot4 8MHz - internal osc. no BOD
atmega328pO4M8c.name=atmega328p Optiboot4 8MHz - crystal
My IDE is the Arduino IDE 1.6.5
Under the "hardware" directory I keep the following structure (now zipped): atmega328p.zip
Original files are available on GITHUB: https://github.com/GertSanders/batterybasedsensorv2
Here is an AC capable board (in a first tested version, although the filename says V3), it's my first actual spin of the PCB:
AC based repeater V3.sch
AC based repeater V3.brd
AC based repeater V3 partlist.txt
AC based repeater V3.pdfFor some images, look here:
http://forum.mysensors.org/topic/2374/50mm-x-50mm-board-with-different-powering-optionsI had the boards made by DirtyPcb, a link to order some if you want to test this boards is here:
http://dirtypcbs.com/view.php?share=12146&accesskey=c3a217d7f31434a5565ecf9bdf3f7dc6I use the atmega328 with the same boot loader as my red board.
Any improvements or suggestions are welcome.
It allows use of 2 AAA batteries, or 5VDC on the VCC input, or anything between 6V and 24V DC when using the step down DC DC converter or 220V AC when using the HLK-PM01.
There is a place for a 3V3 regulator (when using 5V on the Vcc circuit).
There are jumpers to swap the signal (SDA or SCL) on 2 pins, and there are jumpers to enable I2C pull up resistors if needed.
Repository for this design: https://github.com/GertSanders/ACcapableSensor
@meanpenugin will you maintain the topic post as new boards pop up in the thread? It's really nice with a list. If possible and @hek approves, perhaps you also could add a MYSX compliancy line with revision (1. 0 to 1.5 and sometime even higher). That way a MYSX daugherboard developer can get an overview of compliancy. I would also be great if any additional notes on MYSX daugherboard size constraints could be somehow made visible, but that would be the responsibility of the "motherboard" designer to clarify.
Seems like meanpenugin has not logged on for at least 7 months ...
I also noticed. I think I'll flex my moderator muscles and take over the topic to keep it up2date. And relinquish my powers back to Mr penguin, should he resurface.
Things I would keep per board:
Short description
KiCad or Eagle files
render of the PCB itself via Mayhew Labs or other Gerber viewer)
BOM in plain text form (if provided)
Boot loader used (or I just add a TXT with the name or URL of the boot loader)
TXT with what needs to be added to BOARD.TXT if Arduino IDE is used
MYSConnector version if provided
powered by BATT (y/n)
powered by 5V (y/n)
powered by DC 6v or above (y/n)
powered by 110/220V AC (y/n)
through hole components only (y/n)
SMD components used (y/n)
images of a build proces
images of completed buildsI tried to get all that on GITHUB, but my understanding of this platform fell short, so now I keep all this in Dropbox (to share between my various platforms)
A specific MySensors site (as Henrik mentioned) would be nice.
Hi - yea this would be nice with a own perhaps Wiki to add and remove hardware components
How about extending the webpage where MySensors Products and Partner Products are mentioned with an entry "Usersubmitted boards"
Every board could have it's name on the left and it's own webpage with all the details.
Basic data could be pulled in from a Wiki I think, so a Wiki for all board designers to drop their stuff would indeed be nice.
That´s a very good idea
That is beyond my moderation power. For such site specific changes I believe @hek is the one in charge.
I submit my baord here with the brief info key while we're waiting for something better. I'll help to supply more details then.
Full info here: http://forum.mysensors.org/topic/2067/my-slim-2aa-battery-node/67####My Slim 2AA Battery Node Board v2.0
Schematic: Yes
Build Files: Yes
Able to Modify: Yes
Ok, continued a bit with the openhardware project last night. Here is a preview of the "create new project" page.
Looking good! Would obsolete this thread I guess. I would encourage all active forum members who design hw to submit their design there once deployed.
Will the form also have a MYSX field? Would be nice to have in order to survey compatibilities
To make it a bit more general I was thinking of adding a tag field. where you can tag it with whatever you want... Like MYSX.
Ok, just as long as it is obvious for users what/how things should be tagged, so that searches are reliable. I've got bad experience from free tagging. Risk of all kinds of variants, misspellings and misinterpretation.
Combined with typeahead we can give a list of propositions. Just need a list of tags to add to start with... Later I will probably extract the full typeahead-list from the database using tag in other projects.
So feel free to propose pre configured tags..
AVR, SAMD, Raspberry,...MYSX,...
Regarding MYSX tags, I would provide tags for following versions as a minimum:
MYSX1.5The designers could then tag with the version they have implemented in their hardware
If the MYSX connector specification becomes (or is) the official MySensors connector spec, then I think a dedicated field where one chooses the version supported would make more sense than a free tag field.
I agree with @GertSanders
@Cory , do you have a pic of the final result ?
Hi everyone..i am new to this forum. As per my experience it's progressing.. Social login finalized and design of most parts. Hope to get some more time during x-mas vaccation to get gerber to svg functionality in place together with github integration. I would like to have some kind of "donate-to-hardware-creator" functionality.
(Spam link removed by moderator)
@NariParish - there is a "donate-to-hardware-creator".
Go over to our open hardware site www.openhardware.io and check that one out.
Is there a 'local' source of PCBs for MySensors (i.e., UK / Europe)?
I've just (14 November) received 3 of @sundberg84's Low Power Node PTH v2 (atmega328p and NRF24L01+) boards from OSH Park in the US, which I ordered on 24 October - panelisation and fabrication was actually quick, and they were finished and posted on 2 November. Elapsed time was 3 weeks, but I understand it can be up to twice this for boards from China (e.g., dirtypcb's).
It would be good if there was a more local source, with shorter elapsed times.
@MikeF Dirtypcbs rarely takes more than 3-4 weeks for me too (in germany), but you are right, a local source would be great. There are several producers here too, but for everyone I know prices are at least 5 times what the chinese take.
If you (or someone else) finds a european service that produces prototypes (1-3 boards) for less than 15€ per piece please share it! Could come in very handy when developing new boards.
I would like to have some kind of "donate-to-hardware-creator" functionality... anyone here who knows paypal apis and in-and-out? (maybe i'll just contact them directly for the options available).