analogRead only works in Arduino IDE[solved]
Arduino Nano, Arduino IDE 1.6.8.
I am reading 4 analog inputs, everything works fine when I have the Node powered to my PC and running AIDE with Monitor opened , if I close the Monitor it goes into a special mode waiting for programming(this is normal) but when I power the Node from the wall(USB) it doesn't send Child data. I see the Node is registering in Domoticz but no Child data.If i remove the delay(5000) or gw.wait(5000), just before sending Child data, it doesn't work in Arduino IDE either, very strange for me.
#include <MySensor.h> #include <SPI.h> #define CHILD_ID_MQ2 0 #define CHILD_ID_MQ3 1 #define CHILD_ID_MQ7 2 #define CHILD_ID_MQ135 3 unsigned long SLEEP_TIME = 60000; const int MQ2 = A0; //GAS sensor output pin to Arduino analog A0 pin const int MQ3 = A1; //GAS sensor output pin to Arduino analog A0 pin const int MQ7 = A2; //GAS sensor output pin to Arduino analog A0 pin const int MQ135 = A3; //GAS sensor output pin to Arduino analog A0 pin int mq2; int mq3; int mq7; int mq135; MySensor gw; MyMessage MQ2Msg(CHILD_ID_MQ2, V_LEVEL); MyMessage MQ3Msg(CHILD_ID_MQ3, V_LEVEL); MyMessage MQ7Msg(CHILD_ID_MQ7, V_LEVEL); MyMessage MQ135Msg(CHILD_ID_MQ135, V_LEVEL); void setup() { gw.begin(); gw.sendSketchInfo("Multi MQ Sensors", "1.0"); gw.present(CHILD_ID_MQ2, S_AIR_QUALITY); gw.present(CHILD_ID_MQ3, S_AIR_QUALITY); gw.present(CHILD_ID_MQ7, S_AIR_QUALITY); gw.present(CHILD_ID_MQ135, S_AIR_QUALITY); Serial.begin(115200); //Initialize serial port - 9600 bps } void loop() { mq2 = analogRead(MQ2); //gw.wait(5000); mq3 = analogRead(MQ3); //gw.wait(5000); mq7 = analogRead(MQ7); //gw.wait(5000); mq135 = analogRead(MQ135); delay(5000); gw.send(MQ2Msg.set(mq2)); gw.send(MQ3Msg.set(mq3)); gw.send(MQ7Msg.set(mq7)); gw.send(MQ135Msg.set(mq135)); gw.sleep(SLEEP_TIME); }
I had some other strange errors, sometimes when I rebooted I could send to GW.
After I changed the Nano to Pro Mini it works all the time and every where. I think I got a damaged Nano, even if it was working perfect for month as another Node.