Merry Christmas and a Happy New 2017

  • Admin

    Another amazing year has passed for the MySensors community. We've seen so many new useful projects and hardware design. Here's some community highlights:

    • Release on the 2.0 version (2.1 coming very soon)
    • Support for SAMD (@tbowmo), Linux/RPI (@marceloaqno).
    • The launch of - our open source hardware sister site that was setup to support open hardware contributors and make it easy for the rest of us ordering pcbs.
    • Total re-write of the, allowing article contributions and simplify content handling for our editors.
    • 3 IRL MySensors Meetups in Sweden, Breda and Amersfoort.

    Here's the yearly community stats (last years stats in parenthesis):

    26 supported controllers. (18)
    4.7k forum users. (2.2k)
    74k unique visitors/month on (24k)
    1711 code commits. (1215)
    544 forks on github. (368)
    129 open source hardware projects added to

    I want to give a big thank you to the tremendous work done by the core team, moderators and code contributors. A special thanks and our top code contributors this year @tekka.

    I'm also very grateful for all the the time (and patience) put in by everyone here to educate each other and help newcomers on the forum. You make this the best IoT geek community in the world! :).

    I personally hope to complete something from the half-finished-project-pile during the holidays. First in line is my "connected" RGB matrix clock. Took some work just to get the animated digits going...
    Animated numbers – 00:07
    — MySensors

    Merry X-Mas and Happy New Year!

    P:S. MySensors Contest 2017 is closing in. Help us find sponsors.


  • all of member and mysensors team , Merry Christmas and Happy New year ❤

  • Merry Christmas ! :bowtie:

  • Hardware Contributor

    Happy holidays everyone - wish you many great hours building and exploring the wonderfull world of electronics!

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