Arduino Uno Clone

  • Admin

    Just received a new Arduino Uno clone labeled DDcEle DCcduino UNO. Took unusually long time (4 weeks) for the chineese-postal-lottery to get it here (Sweden) .

    It got some nice features except the low price such as double pin rows (optional to mount) and extra power outputs.

    But when I plugging it into my Mac it didn't show up in the Arduino IDE. After some googling I found some working drivers on a chineese site. Computer restart needed.


  • Mod

    I think I have (sort of) the same clones.
    Received them only 2 weeks ago and they need another driver like yours.
    No cable or additional headers for me but a price of something like 3.5 EUR 🙂
    Did not yet test/use them though...

    BTW I see times slip to 6 weeks but I think they have to do with a chinese action a couple of weeks ago.

  • Admin

    @marceltrapman said:

    BTW I see times slip to 6 weeks but I think they have to do with a chinese action a couple of weeks ago.

    Ohh.. is it Chinese new-year already?

  • Mod

    @hek not sure about what it was but it was mentioned by somebody I was awaiting shipment from.

  • Hero Member

    This was Oct 1-7 or so, a different holiday. The Chinese New Year holiday is longer, in early Feb.

    On the subject of cheap Uno variants (not really clones - which should use the same chips and drivers), I've gotten some with a white board which use an 8051 for the USB adapter rather than the ATMega 16U2. The main advantage besides price is more hefty regulators.

  • Admin


    Post picture! 😃

  • Hero Member

    There's a picture of the version I got at

    It has selectable 3.3v/5v power, micro USB connector, and a high efficiency switching regulator for 1.8A power.

    I got mine from eBay, but the color seems to have changed since then:
    Seems to have improved mounting holes and spacers now.

    There are also "lite" versions without USB (use serial FTDI) for $1 less.

    So far, it seems to work, but I do not have enough experience (data points) to recommend or not.

  • Mod

    @Zeph Just wondering: if you switch it to 3v3, won't you get into trouble with the 16MHz crystal?

  • Hero Member

    I haven't been running that one at 3.3v, but there are a number of designs with 16MHz ATMegas at 3.3v that seem to do fine. It's outside of spec, but I've read that even Atmel engineers have indicated to some designers that the specs are very conservative, and some vendors report having shipped thousands of units (of 16MHz@3.3v) without problems with that.

    Perhaps it would sometimes be a problem at extremes of their temperature range?

    By the way, there are also Arduino Pro Mini's on eBay which can be converted between 3.3V and 5V (at 16 MHz), albeit usually with a solder bridge rather than a switch. Search Arduino Pro Mini adjustable.

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