DHT sketch version 2.1.0 no data i IDE seiel [SOLVED]
And if i use DHT example sketch then I get data temp / hum
@MLs the node is not able to communicate with a gateway, so it never reaches the DHT part. Could you post details on your setup (gateway, power supply, capacitors, see https://forum.mysensors.org/topic/666/debug-faq-and-how-ask-for-help for what is usually needed for troubleshooting) and the log from the gateway?
The node is 2 years old and had MySensors lib 1.0 or 1.4 in the past so it works. But try to put up a new system of Domoticz and MQTT but Domoticz not read data from mosquitto.
Domoticz log
Mosquitto Log
Broker Log (UNO And W5100)
@MLs Since not gateway talked to the controller so the node is not passed on to DHT. But the problem with Domoticz and MQTT I still have. Can not get the Domoticz to redeem from MQTT.