Doubting about "Raspberry Pi 3 MQTT Gateway"
I'm newest and I have a lot to learn and read. Sorry.
I installed a RaspPi MQTT Gateway with the command./configure --my-gateway=mqtt --my-controller-ip-address= --my-mqtt-publish-topic-prefix=mysensors-out --my-mqtt-subscribe-topic-prefix=mysensors-in --my-mqtt-client-id=mygateway1
It's mean that now I have a MQTT Broker on the standard port or I must to install a mosquitto or similar ?
you need mosquitto or similar
Ok. Thanks for your answer.
Where can I find a manual or information about the relation of variables from configure command and mosquitto ?I need configure something especial on mosquitto ?
On mosquitto you only need to run it pretty much, you only need to configure something if you want to enable some basic security, encryption or else.