controlling Teufel Sound System
Hi there,
i am reading now for some time in this forum and it really helped me out a few times, thanks for that!
But now i would like to actively participate here.The Problem:
I have a Teufel Concept E in my livingroom. This can only be controlled with a special remote control.
Because it is not automatically activating itself when there is an incomming signal (e.g. from my tv) i always need to search for the remote control.
At the moment i can already switch a 433MHz Socket with an Arduino/Transceiver and Openhab to turn on my tv, it would be great if i could also switch the sound system with an Arduino. So i asked myself on which technology/frequency the remote control is sending and opened it upthere was a leaking battery
but i don't mind because it's still working
now im not really sure if that what i want to do is going to work. I think the black chip on the right side is the transmitter? I searched google for "N51822" and found a "NRF51822 bluetooth low energy" which can send on bluetooth low energy and 2.4GHz ultra low power.
Do you think it is going to work? And what do i have to do to achive just a simple on/off remote with an arduino?Thank you very much for every answer on this!
I guess the easiest way would be to connect a wire to the button on your remote control and directly control that instead of tinkering with the internals of the control
PS Also have you considered just sending Teufel an email and asking them what technology their remote is using?
thanks for that suggestion.
I would like to not take the remote apart forever. Instead it would be nice to have an alternative to that remoteI will write an Email to Teufel but i have a feeling that they won't tell me how their remote control works since they are selling them sepperately on their homepage. But it is worth a try
any updates on this?