Possible solution for energy mettering

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    I think most of us are wondering on measuring energy consumed. I have an experience with this by using a current sensors. It is more or less fine, For example a sensor based on ACS712 chip. It requires to use atmega328 ADC and we can have 10 bit resolution on the current. We able to calculate RMS current and having voltage measured separately or even using voltage as a constant we can calculate active energy consumed.
    I thought it is a most preferred way.
    But recently I found a device https://translate.google.com/translate?sl=ru&tl=en&js=y&prev=_t&hl=ru&ie=UTF-8&u=http%3A%2F%2Fradiokot.ru%2Fcircuit%2Fdigital%2Fmeasure%2F76%2F&edit-text= to measure active power and energy consumed very precisely. It is based on a special chip ADE7756 from Analog Devices, This chip is measuring RMS voltage and current and using 40 bits ADC for active energy calculation (comparing to 10 bits Arduino) and you can read it from the chip by arduino. ADE7756 is out of production but it is just an example. There is a couple of modern chips. Some providing Serial interface using UART, some using SPI.

    Just made a device for myself. I need it to compare consumption of mysensors devices using different approaches. This is to find a good energy saving solutions.

    The device is also a good support to check the real power of LED bulbs received from China) I already checked some of them and get surprised )

    Would be it interesting for you to have an arduino shield with a energy metering chip?

  • Hero Member

    @axillent said:

    Would be it interesting for you to have an arduino shield with a energy metering chip?

    I would say yes, for I've not had time to make my own yet, that could be a good starting point.

  • @axillent I could absolutely make use. Like @axillent, I have not had the time to tackle it myself(remodeling basement first).

    Over the past few years, I have been using a dumb meter, Kill-a-watt, to monitor consumption. I check 1 item at a time over a few weeks, taking readings every couple of days, to a spreadsheet. Would really like to be able to just whip up a few smart devices and plug in to MySensors network!

  • Hero Member

    Did you print that case?

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    I too have been wanting to build a energy monitoring solution. So yes im interested.

    What i would really be interested in doing though, which may be different to others and does not use the ACS712 chip is a board which can allow CT clamp sensors.
    The board would be expandable to monitor 8-10 circuits ( channels )
    I would then install this in my home's sub boards. ( I have 3 sub boards ) one of which has 8 circuits and thus allow me quite granular monitoring.

    This is close to what i want:

    • A few things have stopped me proceeding down this path...
    1. Time
    2. How to use the data...If i mysensor this board, then i would get a bunch of data into Vera... but Vera's analysis etc of power consumption is pretty poor... so would i be best off NOT using mysensors and use the SEG system ( as the above board is designed for...)??
    3. $$$ Doing what i want would cost probably the best part of $500....dont have that right now 😉

    Anyway @axillent would love to see what you come up with.

  • Mod

    @ServiceXp said:

    Did you print that case?

    p01401 vattmeter01 box sborka01.JPG

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