Re: Easy/Newbie PCB for MySensors
Anyone made a enclosure for this board?
@keldandorin see the "Boxes / Enclosures" section in the description?
@keldandorin What kind of enclosure are you looking for. I did a 3D model of one for my temp/humidity sensor that fits this board and a 2 x AA battery pack. It is wall mountable with a snap on cover.
As said above by these great people they are the "made for" enclosures.
The PCB is 50x50 and I use everyhing from plastic bagsto normal electronic boxes. Nothing fancy and if you are looking for high WAF use the suggesions above.
@dbemowsk Thx, Just need to buy a 3d-printer now
...or you can use a 3d-printing service - email them the stl file (follow @dbemowsk's link above, to his Thingiverse page).
Though I have never used it, in the menu on the right side of the page when you are viewing a piece, there is a link that says "Order this printed". I am not sure who does the printing, but it is an option.
Separately from this, you can find a local 3d-printing service on 3dhubs.com - I found one local to me this way, who did my first print, which got me onto the 3d trail (I subsequently bought a Prusa i3 MkII kit).