Dashboard Design for Home energy consumption

  • Hi all

    I am quite new in this field so wanna know how would i start designing dashboard for household energy consumption and what kind of options i could have for beautifying the display ? I am getting the readings from an energy server (to be disclosed later) with a resolution(interval) of 10 minutes. From these readings i will categorize them into energy and water consumption columns. Currently it should only be accessed through the browser. (not thinking about app creation )

    Please guide and assist

    Thanks !


  • Hardware Contributor


    you could use emoncms, or influxdb+grafana

  • Admin

    Depends, on what your goal is here..

    Do you want to show graphs? Then influxdb / grafana would be the go-to thing, as it is very flexible. (I'm using this)

    If you just want to show numbers, then an angular based web application, that fetches data from node-red, or something like that. Perhaps with a socket connection, so that node-red can push new values to the dashboard, in realtime.

  • Graphical display is also one of my requirements alongwith data. What level of data security exists in running dashboard data ? Can i keep privacy with the fetched data?

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