NRF24L01+ with external antenna - don't work

  • Hi,

    I have 2 of these NRF24L01+ with external antenna

    if I connect them like the ones with onboard antenna I just get this message:
    "req node id"

    then nothing.

    if I connect the normal ones it works.

    any idea?

    Many Thanks


  • Hero Member

    Some questions:

    • What is the distance between the node and the gateway?
    • Did you point the antenna towards the gateway?

  • I vad the same issue when upgrading to 1.4

    In my case solved by adding 47uf capacitor instead of 4.7uF.
    And I also had to change transmit power from max to high.

  • @johnr said:

    And I also had to change transmit power from max to high.

    Any idea why changing from max to high made it work? Do you think that the max setting was drawing more current than what you were supplying?

  • I think it is an power issue, the le33cz I use can supply max 100ma, the bigger radio can use up to 115ma according to the data sheet. I have ordered some ld1117v33 to use with the reapeter nodes which I use with the antenna version of the radio, hopefully they solve the problem

  • The power was the right hint! I solved it with a capacitator and a separate 3.3 V regulator. Now everything works perfectly. Many thanks!

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