Sensebender Gateway pin mapping
I'm trying to connect a W5500 ethernet module to the sensebender gateway, to that end I'm trying to decipher how the pins on the SAMD are mapped to pin numbers and I'm getting a little confused.
Looking in the W5100.h file library within the samd/1.05/libraries/ethernet I can see ETHERNET_SHIELD_SPI_CS is mapped to pin 24 (PB11), which on the sensebender schematic is labelled NET_RST and not NET_SS which is pin 28.
The variants.h file for this micro doesn't appear to throw any light on the subject, as the defines for the W5100 maps PIN_SPI1_MISO to pin 22, this physical pin is GND in the schematic.
Any help most appreciated, or a link to a tutorial would be cool