RFM69(H)W Arduino Mini Pro Shield to offer
RFM69(H)W Arduino Mini Pro Shield
Hi, i have 10 PCB, divided in two to offer, any takers?
I'm based in Portugal, and i am willing to ship for no cost to Europe. I hope that in this way i can make a small contribution to the community.
How much are you asking for them?
I'm giving them away. no charge.
I'm from Portugal too.
I'm interested in the pcb
Hi, I'm interested in getting some of those. They are right on time for some new developments I'd like to run over the summer. Final number depending on total number of interested colleagues.
Many thanks for your generosity but I'm willing to pay for them if you want.
Great contribution, many thanks!!!
@manutremo how many do you need?
@diogoc how many do you need?
@alowhum how many do you need?
Let's see if the 10 pcbs are fully distributed, please hold until i can confirm that there are any left.
@jlaraujo 3 or 4 if possible