Resettable fuses.
I have now built 3 motion sensors running from a single 18650 and a 3.3V 662K regulator.
I am thinking that I really need a fuse between the 18650 and the board in case anything shorts.
I have discovered the resettable fuses very cheap on Ebay. these be OK or is there something better?
@grumpazoid I would not do it.
You are obviously aware of the dangers and potential for a fire. So why save a few coins and get important electrical safety products from a fashion company off ebay?
This is one area where getting real approved components is worth a little more - These could be rejects found in a dumpster and sold on.
Where safety is concerned, get it from a repuatble source directly (RS, Mouser, Farnell) etc..... You know you are worth it!
@skywatch Appreciate the reply. I have made up some 500mA quick blow fuses that I already have from a trusted source.
@grumpazoid said in Resettable fuses.:
I have made up some 500mA quick blow fuses that I already have from a trusted source.
I am very happy to hear this. I am sure you will sleep safer and be prouder of your project by being more professional about safety.
Whilst there are some things you can get away with using cheap components for, safety and power supplies are not to be taken lightly.