Ble presence/positioning nodes
Hello, has anyone ever done something like a ble node (with hm-10 or cheaper chinese variant at-09) for presence detection and indoor positioning? I'm planning to develop a node that doesn't connect to any device but constantly discovers all ble devices (phones and ibeacons) and reports its id, rssi and if device is getting closer or further. This way if i have one node per room i should be able to do a decent indoor positioning of phones and beacons in my openhab. Does anyone have any experiance on this subject? I've read some post on the forum but all several years old. I know i can do this with the wifi signal of my phone, but i keep running into problems when phone goes into sleep. This would be a nice backup.
@jimmy-loyens these threads might be of interest
@mfalkvidd thanks for your reply. I had allready read these, but thanks for the links never the less. I have some bluetooth modules (hm-10 & at-09) in the mail. Allready have some i-tags laying around. I will see what i can make of this. My house is only one story so i would like to place one node in the middle of each room on the attic floor. If this works i will have some kick-ass presence detection
, if it doesnt i will have some spare ble modules to play with. There just is no down-side to this