Can someone assist.
is mysensors/MySensorsBootloaderRF24 the same as MYSbootloader?
@terence-faul the readme says so at least
Yep that's why I was asking.
Anyone able to assist in getting this board into platformio?
@terence-faul any solution so far?
I found this:
create a file, e.g.
and save it to~/.platformio/boards/
{ "build": { "core": "arduino", "extra_flags": "-DARDUINO_ARCH_AVR -DARDUINO_AVR_PRO", "f_cpu": "8000000L", "mcu": "atmega328p", "variant": "standard" }, "frameworks": [ "arduino" ], "fuses": { "efuse": "0xFE", "hfuse": "0xD2", "lfuse": "0xE2", "lock": "0x0F", "unlock": "0x3F" }, "name": "MySensorsBootloader 1.3.0 (Atmega328P@8M,3.3V)", "upload": { "maximum_ram_size": 2048, "maximum_size": 30720, "protocol": "arduino", "require_upload_port": true, "speed": 57600 }, "url": "", "vendor": "MySensors" }
the platformio.ini should look like this:
[env:mysensors_bootloader_130_8Mhz] platform = atmelavr framework = arduino board = MYSBootloader_8MHz.hex src_build_flags = -I/Users/dirk/Arduino/libraries/MySensors lib_deps = # Using a library name
but I do not know where to store the