2.4G Gateway Posts "Unknown" nodes

  • Hi All,
    I'm using three gateways with various sensors connected to my RPI Domoticz Controller. Recently my 2.4G ESP8266 WiFi gateway has been logging an increasing number of "Unknown" nodes. It's also showing an annoyingly large number of "Unknown" nodes for the child sensors also. Maybe it's a Domoticz issue, but the other gateways are fine, nothing weird. It's been operating for many months till lately. Any ideas?
    Thanks - Dan

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    @dpcons by "unknown", do you mean the gateway debug log shows "TSF:RTE ā€¦ UNKNOWN"?

    Do all your gateways use separate channels and/or base radio id?

    Can you see any patterns in which node ids are unknown?

    Have you reflashed any of your gateways lately?

    Are there any other messages in the log that can give a clue to what is happening?

    Could someone else have deployed a MySensors network near you?

  • Do all your gateways use separate channels and/or base radio id?
    All my gateways are basically 'canned code' which I downloaded from the MySensors site. I haven't made any changes to the code. Do I need to?
    Everything has been running just great for about 10 months or more.
    I just started seeing these anomalies lately.

    Can you see any patterns in which node ids are unknown?
    I see no patterns that I would recognize. Node IDs generally seen to increment, but by random amounts, but some IDs seem to be 200 or higher.

    Have you reflashed any of your gateways lately?
    No...I added a larger 22uF cap to the power/ground on the 2.4G radio after this started happening, but it had no improvement.

    Are there any other messages in the log that can give a clue to what is happening?
    I've sent three images. One of the Hardware/2.4G setup, One of the error list and one of a child node with an unknown temp and humidity node that shouldn't be there. I get about 10-15 Unknowns appearing every day. I just delete them and move on.

    Could someone else have deployed a MySensors network near you?
    I'd say that's pretty unlikely but I could put out a notice on our Home owners association website.

    The system seems to be running normally except for this issue. If I need to make changes regarding the channels, base radio, etc. I'll certainly do it.
    Thanks for the response...I appreciate it
    2_1558576164914_domo2G3.jpg 1_1558576164914_domo2G2.jpg 0_1558576164913_domo2G1.jpg

  • I have the same issue, using a esp32 mqtt gateway. I'm reading the routing table every now and then, and sometimes completely random nodes appear in it.
    I haven't been able to replicate the issue

  • Thanks electrik, for the tip. It is indeed the MQTT gateway causing the issues. I unplugged and removed the gateway and all is well now. Disabling doesn't work. It must be disconnected. I'm not sure why. I'm using the canned mQTT gateway app from the site. Something is obviously dorked with it.
    Thanks again

  • @dpcons I had similar issues which I called 'ghost' nodes and 'ghost' sensors.
    I was getting random nodes added mycontroller and even some existing nodes suddenly had children that simply didn't exist.

    I did so much over many months to get this sorted. In the end I added a lot of capacitors, took the gateway from directly connceted to pi to via serial USB. I even moved the whole lot to another room.....

    It's all been fine for a while. I still don't know the exact cause in my case (may be different for you), but power supply, radio nodes, cabling/connections all can play a part in some very wierd things..... šŸ˜‰

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