Raspberry Gateway
I plan to set up a Raspberry Gateway (as standard ethernet version).
Since I do use different Gateways, on different frequencies, I like to know, if there is a way to configure the channel on the Gateway.
I use the NRF24 Radio.
#define MY_RF24_CHANNEL (put your channel number here).
That's all there is to it!
It should look like #define MY_RF24_CHANNEL (107)
@skywatch He mentioned using the 'standard ethernet version', so he's not using a serial device as the gateway. This means it's a bit more complicated.
@alowhum Sorry, I didn't realise that. I thought it was pi connecting to controller via ethernet and some rf GW's attached - I'll get my coat and go and watch the footie instead!
@alru use
--my-rf24-channel=<0-125> RF channel for the sensor net. [76]
See https://www.mysensors.org/build/raspberry#configure and https://www.mysensors.org/apidocs/group__RaspberryPiGateway.html for detailed documentation.
@mfalkvidd Thank you, this should be the solution I'm locking for.
Meanwhile I found the config-description...