Gate openers

  • It's kind of a hassle to waste time 2-3 times per day and open and close the gate when I take the car out, so I'm pretty much set on the idea of installing an automated opener. Anyone with experience has recommendations? I'd need a sliding gate style system, btw.

  • @BelluciNathaniel There are quite a few options out there, even for sliding gates, so there should be no issue. I'll leave you some sources if that helps. I don't have a gate opener, but I do have a garage opener, and I'd suggest you go for Liftmaster as a brand, I got from them and I'm more than satisfied. When it comes to installation, if you don't trust yourself to do it, call in a professional so you don't accidentally damage it or do who knows what.

  • It's kind of a hassle wasting 5 minutes, 2 - 3 times per day waiting on the gate to open, and the LONG wait for it to close just to make sure nobody sneaked in... 😊
    Looking at fitting a cantilevered sliding gate here so it traverses the -20 ice and snow (no bottom rail), but will be opening and closing it manually as it's way faster..
    Plenty of manufacturers of gates depending on your locale, most of the kit here seems to be rebranded turkish, italian or chinese origin, but as sliding gates are usually driven by a fixed motor on a castellated rail they are slower than the hinged manual gates I already have. πŸ˜‰
    And no remotes to fumble for...

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