Device connects but never starts the program

  • Hello, I haven't used Mysensors for a few years now since the sensors I have that use it works and I have started using wifi more and more. However, now I have started a new project where I want to use Mysensors. The problem is that I can't get it working. I use an esp32 and an rf24 radio wired following theses instructions and also use a capacitor. Since I haven't used Mysensors for a few years my gateway is still running V 1.5 whiles my esp32 is using the latest stable version of the library. If I understood correctly I should be able to connect to the older gateway, right? I tried using the default BinarySwitchSensor with the only modification being a serial print added as the first thing in the loop to see if everything worked and was wired correctly. However, it doesn't work...

    Here is my serial print

    I am no expert but it seems like it connects to the gateway and gets an ID assigned on line 24 meaning that everything is correctly wired, since the radio seems to be able to communicate with the gateway. But like you see my serial print isn't being printed and instead sends a bunch of different stuff. Also, nothing happens when I press the button. I also get a "!TSM:UPL:FAIL" is this a problem? Does anybody know what might be happening?

  • Mod

    @Elias-0 said in Device connects but never starts the program:

    my gateway is still running V 1.5 whiles my esp32 is using the latest stable version of the library

    That doesn't work; the difference in main version numbers (v1 vs. v2) indicate a break in protocol so those library versions are not compatibel.
    To test your new setup (or as a final solution) without interfering with your existing v1.5 setup you could setup another MySensors gateway using the same library version as your ESP32. Make sure to use a different radio channel than the v1 gateway and you should be good to go!

  • Hello, thanks for responding. Yeah, might try to set up a new gateway. Since all my other sensors are working I don't feel like redoing everything. Just one question, on the download page for the library there is a comment under the newest release saying

    "This is the latest stable release. Normally the best version to use for your project. It should be fully backward compatible with your controller (serial api hasn't been changed since 1.5). We recommend updating both gateway and sensors to the the latest release."

    Is this me misunderstanding something, am I not using the serial api?

  • Mod

    @Elias-0 a controller is a software like Domoticz or OpenHab. See and for more information.

    The Serial API is used between a MySensors gateway and a controller. The Serial API is not used between MySensors nodes.

  • Mod

    @Elias-0 said in Device connects but never starts the program:

    It should be fully backward compatible with your controller (serial api hasn't been changed since 1.5).

    @mfalkvidd is correct. I was talking about the on-air protocol between two radios that has changed; the nodes simply don't understand eachother when using different main versions.

  • @Yveaux @mfalkvidd Thanks for answering. Got controller and gateway mixed up. Am I supposed to mark this topic as Solved somehow now when it's solved or should I just leave it?

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    @Elias-0 you can edit the first post in this thread and click on the title to change it if you like. It's not a requirement though.

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