Messages received by gateway in strange format

  • I'm having trouble with sending commands from Domoticz to the gateway. From the gateway to Domoticz works fine. Sensors are detected and reporting data just fine. Now I added a relay and the relay is detected and shown under devices. Now when I click the switch to activate the relay nothing happens.

    To debug that I added a line of code to the ethernet gateway from the tutorials section of this website to print the incoming message to the serial monitor. The message that is printed in the monitor is this:

    00;0;3;0;14;Gateway startup complete.
    Incoming message

    I added the "Incoming message" part. It seems that the message send by Domoticz is in the wrong character encoding, or that's my best guess.

    Haven't received a response on the Domoticz forum yet so I thought to give it a try here.

    I'm using an ethernet gateway on a Arduino Mega 2560 with an ethernet shield.

  • Contest Winner

    baud rate mismatch?

  • In the serial monitor or in Domoticz? Is it possible to set that somewhere in MySensors?
    The monitor is set to 115600 en that works as all the output is fine, just not the message send by Domoticz.

  • Contest Winner


    Im certain that you meant 115200bps,

    IDK domoticz, but have you verified to make sure that your Data/Stop bits and parity are correct as well?

    It just looks like a serial mismatch, but there could be other factors, just spitballing here

  • Yes, sorry. Baud rate is indeed 115200 and not 115600. I'll have to check Domoticz to see if I can change those values. I would expect others to have the same problem if those were set incorrectly. I seem to be the only one.

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