Some general questions before I start ordering/building.
I have a Raspberry Pi logging temps mainly from a 1-wire net. Today the logg is done with RDDtool. I have used Domoticz before and I belive that will be my controller.
Now on to the questions.
Question 1:
My raspberry Pi is connected to my lan as well as to the internet using the ethernet port. However I would like to build the ethernet gateway from Mysensors. Is there a simple ”clean” way to connect a ethernet gateway to a Raspberry Pi who is already using its Ethernet port?
Questioin 2:
Have I understood the mysensors info correct? Can I have 1 (one) arduino node with multiple sensors. For example: Can I have 1 node with 2 temp sensors, 2 light sensors and maybe 2 actuators (Light switches).
Question 3: (Kinda offTopic)
Do you guys know if i could keep my RDDtool running parallel with my future installation of Domoticz?
Ps, I was really exited when I saw the Mysensors work on a swedish forum. This is great!
If you connect the ethernet gateway to your routner/switch then domotiocz/raspberry will find and read from that IP given to the ethernet gw. If you want you can connect the radio directly onto the raspberry ( but I dont know much about that.
Yes, atleast i have 4 sensors in the same node. I dont know max and has never combined sensors and actuators.
Dont know