Fake DS18B20 sensors.
I just discovered that my last delivery of DS18B20 temperature-sensors seems to be fake. The output values only vary in 0.5C steps. I tried to set the resolution to 12 bit, then read it back and it reads 9 bit. I read the device address and it starts with 0x28 which means, according to dallastemperature.h that it is actually a DS18B20 (with 12-bit resolution).
This is just a heads up, but maybe someone has experienced similar things?
I think I should switch to another ebay-supplier because this is not the first counterfeit I received...--fleinze
@b0rmann well, that is what I thought too. But the chips are definitely labeled "DS18B20" and the device-address also matches a DS18B20.
I got hit by this as well. They're fakes: http://www.lungstruck.com/electronics/counterfeit-ds18b20-temp-sensors/
Mine are exactly as described in the linked article.