Low power display
Looking for low power display to a sensor it running on battery.
Anybody know what type/model i have to uses?
I guess e-ink displays should be really low power. Haven't used one with an arduino though.
Thankes, From what I can see they are very expensive, get there other or type?
I've been playing with a Nokia screen https://www.sparkfun.com/products/10168 it's cheep. It runs on 3.3v (it works the best on a Pro Mini 3.3V or any other 3.3V Arduino). According to the datasheet it's suitable for battery powered devices.
It was used in a lot of late '90s Nokia cell phones. It has one minor disadvantage in my opinion, you have to completely code the GUI in the Arduino, which means that it'll take up a lot of memory space.
But if you don't do any fancy stuff, it might be a good alternative. I'm still thinking about the iTead HMI screen. But the shipping costs are a bit too high for me at the moment.