DevDuino V 2.0 Board

  • Hero Member

    Has anyone implemented MySensors on the DevDuino Version 2 board yet? I've bought several and I've modified a Temp/Humidity/Pressure sketch that complies properly but doesn't upload.

    I've installed the SEEED board changes in the Arduino IDE and have a FOCA USB-Arduino programmer but when I try uploading nothing seems to happen. The TX/RX LEDs do nothing and clearly nothing gets uploaded.

    Any hints?


  • Hero Member

    Hey @clippermiami yes I have.
    I'm not at home now so can't check what settings I used. ..but what have you selected for board In the IDE? And do u get any errors atom avrdude ?

  • Hero Member

    @gregl I implemented the board changes defined by SEEED and that's free selection in the IDE. After the "upload" I get the "avrdude ..sync " error that indicates it didn't upload.

    Are you using the Devicter FOCA programmer?

  • Hero Member

    Yep - Im using FOCA 2.2 programmer.

    I bet it will work for you if in your IDE you set it to use "Arduino Nano with Atmega328"

    I recall having to stuff around with boards.txt. I ended up doing it with the 1.5.6r2 IDE
    I used one of these (sorry not sure which one) entries successfully to program the board, as these contain the low voltage least i think they do.


    If i just used a "Arduino Nano with Atmega328" as the board i only got about 10hrs from the node... but with the above i got 3-4 weeks. ( the AAA's are pretty old and not LSD ) and the sketch isnt really optimised to save power.

    Another issue i have... after programming with this boards.txt the serial output is messed up... but the sensor works. See if u get the same, and we can try fix together.

    Let me know how you get on...i ordered some new LSD AAA's ( Eneloop's ) sill be interesting to see how much time i can extract from them.

    @axillent - have you done a post/or shared a boards.txt for your batterypowered mysensors pcb? I would be really interested to see what settings you use.


  • Hero Member

    Ok - did some more testing.

    Using 1.0.5 IDE ( Mysensors 1.3)

    Here is my boards.txt

    I did have the "board.txt" changes from

    in there...but i changed this line:


    At teh deafult 19200 ..i get teh sam prob...AvRdude wasnt syncing...with 57600 - alls happy!!

    This is the sketch ive been using:


  • Hero Member

    @gregl I used the Arduino ProMini 3.3v setting and it did indeed upload. I get nothing usable on any speed setting in the IDE Serial Monitor.

    Now I know it at least uploads I have other changes to make: to match the pins used by the radio, get the low power stuff working, etc. Do you have this stuff already done? Can you post it, I'm not sure where these changes have to be made, the WiKi talks about the nRF24L01.h library but I don't see any calls to that library.


  • Hero Member


    See last post 😉

    Off to zzzz now... Good luck!

  • Hero Member

    @gregl You must have been typing as I was 🙂



  • Hero Member

    I used your "boards.txt" and it compiled and uploaded but i had no output on the Serial Monitor
    So I switched board types to the Pro-mini 3.3v and got this:

    ¤ƒ§à ‘©‘mÃÿ+ã‚ã‚“¢ãòòªÊê¸;­

    So far I'm getting nowhere but I'm getting there at record speed 🙂 And i have two of these devices in exactly the same condition --- OOPS 🙂

    The board LED no longer comes on so something has changed. i tried running it live and including it in Vera but nothing was found so i doubt anything is actually happening. I've run the ClearEEProm sketch to see if that would help to no avail. i've tried using the SEEED board settings as well as the Pro Mini.

    Clearly i have some other problem but i don't know what at this stage. Back to the drawing board 🙂

  • Hero Member

    Ok .. so i get that mess from the serial output when ive used the "low power/low freq" board.

    So... why dont you get your sketch working - added to Vera etc...debuggin with serial output etc by setting it as a Nano 328...then when its all working nicely, change to use the low power board settings and re-upload.

    Thats what i did and im happy with that.

  • Hero Member

    @gregl Normally I would but the garbled serial output is with the Pro Mini setting, I get nothing with the low per settings. So at this point I can't be certain I've got anything

  • Hero Member

    what if u try as a nano ?
    Did u set the programmer to the 3.3v setting?

  • Hero Member

    also dont have batteries in them whilst you have the programmer plugged in...else it will try to charge them!

  • Hero Member

    @gregl I spent some time on it again but nothing.

    Using your DevDuino_BatteryPoweredSensorTest.ino:

    I tried it as both a Nano and a Pro-Mini. The Serial monitor output is attached, garbled.

    I ran the inclusion on Vera to see if anything was working anyway but it didn't find anything. I tried a second DevDuino with exactly the same results, garbled Serial monitor output and nothing on attempting to include in Vera.

    So as of now nothing is happening and I have three DevDuinos that do nothing.

  • Hero Member

    Hi John...sorry to hear your having such problems!

    Ok - what if you forget all about mysensors stuff and just try some of the basic arduino examples?

    like blink the led on pin 9 ?

    or a sketch to serial print one of the analog pin values?

    Then if that stuff works then move back into Mysensors and boards.txt changes....

  • Hero Member

    @gregl I heard from deviktor (sp?) the hardware developer in Russia with a suggested
    Sketch change but I haven't had time to try it yet. I'm trying to build a custom WiFi camera for my front door feeding Blue Iris running under Windows XP. The camera uses RTSP protocol and I can't get this implementation of XP to support RTSP some reason. Works fine with my ThinkPad but this particular XP isn't cooperating 🙂 I've been in IT all my life and I've learned to hate computers 🙂

    Hopefully I'll give his suggestion a try this week

    void setup ()

  • I just tried my DevDuino V2 and it worked using the DevDuino_BatteryPoweredSensorTest.ino that Gregl provided earlier.

    Here's my setup,

    Mac Mini OSX 10.9.4
    Arduino 1.0.5 software
    Foca v2.2 for programming
    MySensors 1.2+ (looks like I need to update it!)
    And the DevDuino V2.

    My Arduino 1.0.5 software is stock. I've not meddled with the boards.txt file or anything else.

    I had to set the Board setting to Duemilanove w / ATMega 328 to get it to program.

    Prior to programming I was also able to check the preloaded code that the DevDuino comes loaded with. It blinks an LED and spits out "Testing board, Test OK" on the serial/prog connection. I forget the baud rate but it was pretty high. I was able to run the Blink sketch by changing the "int led = 13;" to "int led = 9;"

    Also, make sure you don't put the programmer in the wrong way around. I had to buzz out the ground pin first.

    Once I programmed with Gregl's code I got garbage out of the programming port, I tried a few baud rates but didn't worry about it. Then I hit the Start button on the Vera Gateway Plugin, dropped in two AAA's and it picked it up as two devices almost immediately. Temperature is working, and the other device is coming up as Arduino Node 1.

  • Hero Member

    @Jason I'll probably be able to get back to it tomorrow (Sunday). My configuration is similar but I'm on Library 1.3b and Windows.

  • Hero Member

    Same sketch on CodeBender 😉 - see related post on Codebender here: Pretty cool i think!!

    And the "boards.txt" i uploaded to allow for 1mhz operation....

  • Hero Member

    Here is in effect the same sketch for 1.4.
    Im using @Yveaux 's vcc library this time.vcc library

    Im no longer using the changed boards.txt. - it doesnt seem to do anything ( other than stuffing the serial output)

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